Monday, April 8, 2024
Sunday, April 7, 2024
That number up there signifies the number of years that Judy (aka SWMBO) and I (aka some names you don't want to see) have been married.
Yes, today is our 53rd wedding anniversary.
Back in those early days we looked like this.
It seems like only yesterday that we were celebrating our 20th anniversary in our home in San Antonio Tlayacapan, Mexico.
But time marches on and now we look like this.
So 53 years have passed and we're still in love with each other.
We will celebrate the day quietly.
Saturday, April 6, 2024
Today is April 6th.
This was what greeted me this morning.
Bright, sunny, clear blue skies shining above a neighbor's white roof.
Wait a minute!
That roof isn't white.
Unless it's covered in SNOW!
It's another joke played on us by the Weather Gods.
La Monja and the Blue Cat echo each other's thoughts: Will this madness never end?
Friday, April 5, 2024
I've been doing a lot of thinking this week about how much longer I can or want to do this.
This blogging.
These Friday Funnies.
All of it.
After all I've been blogging since early March of 2008.
That means I've gone over 16 years.
I can't even remember when I started with The Friday Funnies but looking back randomly that seems like years too.
So as I lie in my bed sometimes letting these thoughts run through my mind, I wonder about ending it all.
No, no, not my life!
I meant this blogging life.
I mean y'all must know about everything about me by now since I rarely keep anything secret.
So perhaps it's getting to be time to pull the plug on it.
Maybe on my next birthday in a few weeks.
My 84th!!!
But then I thought, well, maybe on my 85th birthday.
That's a nice round number.
But then, oh heck what if I don't live that long.
Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts.
Well it gives me something to think about.
But, in the meantime, here's another gaggle of goofy gigglers.
Meanwhile, back on Planet Earth, we await the total eclipse of the Sun on Monday.
Well, some places.
Here in my part of Arizona it looks like 50 to 60 percent will be covered by the moon's shadow.
But the forecast for right here for that day is "Cloudy" so it will probably be a negligible event.
As for the rest of you in the path of the eclipse, remember not to look at the sun without special glasses.
Enjoy the oreo-stuffed Krispy Kremes and the Black Slushout Floats from Sonic.
But before then do your gosh-darndest to have a jolly good weekend.
And always remember to keep laughing!
(Oh, and by the way, I know "arguement" in one of the memes above is a misspelling.)
Here, kitty-kitty . . .
( . . oh, decisions, decisions . . )
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Today was a Spring day the likes of which I've been waiting for.
I stepped outside in the early afternoon to check the mail and was stunned by the warmth.
It was a very sunny day for a change and when I checked my local weather site it said the temperature was 78 degrees!
I opened up the house and let some of that glorious warm air come in to air out the winter's dregs.
After I told Judy she went out and did a trim job on the two shrubs in front of the house.
I love this time of year.
If it's not snowing!
Earlier in the day I mashed up four bananas and made a loaf of banana bread.
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
As I reported previously, the huge Legado Luxury Apartment project under construction here in Prescott Valley burned to the ground early yesterday morning.
Today it's a sad scene in the heart of the city.