Thursday, February 13, 2020


If you've been reading along here, you'll know that I discovered a French dessert known as a clafoutis in the past year or so.

And you'll recall that I started out with a cherry clafoutis and have since made them with various fruits.

I don't know if it was because I made my most recent one with solely blueberries or if it was because I sprinkled the top liberally (as opposed to sparsely) with raw sugar, but this was the absolute best, tastiest, wonderful clafoutis yet.

I have one piece left.

We'll see which one of us fights the other to the death to enjoy it.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020


The BRD sent me this picture of her cat, Mister, this morning.

She said he was chillin'.

But I think he was doing something just the opposite.


In front of our abode.

Yes, that is a nearly full moon up there.

Our neighbors' "Christmas" tree.

The all-white landscape.


The Weather Gods have prevailed.

Monday, February 10, 2020


There is rain and snow in the forecast for our part of Arizona tonight and tomorrow and the clouds were forming up today to let us know what's ahead.

The sights in our version of Big Sky Country changed minute by minute.

Friday, February 7, 2020


Another seven days . . another week of woe and wild wackiness.

So aren't you all glad that it's time for The Friday Funnies?

I thought so.

Let's let 'er rip.

(I love that one.  If you don't get it, say it out loud.)

I've got one that's especially for my pal, Jager.

Here you go.

All right you fellow revelers, now aren't you in a better mood?

Just the mood to get out there and have a fabulous weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Wait a minute, that's not funny!

Well, actually it is.

My longtime pal, Timmer, sent that to me.

He loves dogs . . . BIG dogs.

I still remember a huge, sloppy, good-natured black labrador he had called Jesse, which I called with a "you mo-ron!"

But any way, I can't leave you with that toon so let's try again.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(Ah, that's better.)

Thursday, February 6, 2020