Sunday, April 20, 2014


. . . or read the recipe carefully, dumbo.

I had this recipe printed out from the Internet for Dark Chocolate Coconut Macaroons.  It came from the Smitten Kitchen.  (If you click on that link you can see her recipe and pictures of the product and the process.

If you are a careful reader, you will note that the cookie mixture is combined in a food processor.  This is NOT a food processor.

While it says Cuisinart on the front and it looks tough and sturdy, it is NOT a food processor.  It is a blender.

Apparently I was not a careful recipe reader.  Although it says to blend the coconut for one full minute, it does NOT say to use a blender.

Dumping 14 ounches of sweetened coconut flakes into it will make your blender heat up, smell bad and eventually stop running altogether.  Which is what happened to mine.  

I dumped in the other ingredients, thinking that the liquid from the 3 egg whites, a tad of vanilla and the melted chocolate would eventually free up the mess in the blender and cause it to start whirling again.

It didn't.

So I dumped everything into a bowl and combined it by stirring with a wooden spoon.  Not easy but eventually everything was pretty much combined and then messily apportioned out onto the baking pans.

Well the macaroons came out wonderful.  They are rich with the deep chocolate taste and a hint of coconut.  As the wunderkind of Smitten Kitchen accurately predicted they are crisp on the outside but still a bit soft and chewy inside.

Even SWMBO, who said she didn't really like macaroons, pronounced them "great".

She did, however, note that they were very expensive, considering the apparent loss of our blender.

Until last night.

I was putting away dishes, pans and utensils as SWMBO began preparing dinner.  When I got to the blender, I decided to plug it in and give it one last try.  I started with a slow speed.  IT WORKED! 

SWMBO looked at me and said "try it on high".  

I did.  IT WORKED!  She said it apparently had heated up enough during my idiot period that something had expanded and prevented it from spinning.

I had survived, as had the blender!  SWMBO said I was very lucky. But she added "next time, read the #@****!!! recipe."

I shall.

Saturday, April 19, 2014


A short while back I posted about the BRD's birthday and said she had jumped out of an airplane.  Well, here's the proof.

That sure looks like a small airplane.  The brave Beau Jack (right) stayed on the ground.

The BRD and her jump-master free fell from 14,000 feet before the parachute opened.

Back on the ground . . a thumbs-up for the experience.

By the way, that was the BRD's 60th birthday.  I can only reveal that because she posted it on Facebook.  With a spirit like hers, I predict there will be many, many more.

Friday, April 18, 2014


Oh, I know.  You've been waiting with bated breath.  You didn't really thing I'd forget, did you?  Here goes.

The next one is for the old-timers.  Like me.

For the dog-lovers out there . . .

And for those of you who still think I may have given up my long love of cats, I give you the Moon Cat . . .

"I don't need no stinkin' space suit!"

(An aside: to those of you who would have spelled it "baited breath", here is why you're wrong.  At least for the moment.)

Aaaaaannnnnd that's all, folks.  Have a great slap-happy weekend and a hammy Easter.

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Anything for a story . . .

The intrepid young reporter (in black) jogging in front of the North Dakota State capitol with Governor Bill Guy (in glasses at right) leading a group in support of Bobby Kennedy's fitness campaign.

Although I am perfectly in step with the guv, I look badly in need of an adult beverage and a Marlboro . . . my diet in the 1960's.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Early this morning there was a total lunar elipse.  

Because the moon takes on a reddish hue it is called a Blood Moon.

I didn't set an alarm or wait up for it.  I just woke up, shortly before one a.m.  

I quickly slipped on a pair of flip-flops, grabbed my trusty camera and went outside to take a look.  

Sure enough.  

There it was, high in the sky, just a light orange color to it.  

I was excited.  Think of it.  The moon, normally lighted by the rays of the sun, was totally in shadow because of the interference of my home.  Planet Earth.

It makes one feel a certain humility.

In case you missed it, I took a photograph to show you.

Here it is, from my trusty point-and-click camera.

You're welcome.

Monday, April 14, 2014


Regular readers of this blog are familiar with my BFF, Blackwell, who came to us as a scarred up little stray that I named Blackie Detroit.

But after a trip to the vet and some healing and the relaxation of being an "inside cat", he began to grow.  And grow.  And grow.  He needed a different name and, thus, became Blackwell.

He still has that cat-urge to go outside again, though.

He loves to sit on the ledge at a window and stare, morosely, at me when I'm outside and he isn't.

He's really enjoying the warmer weather and the open but screened windows.  And the other day he spotted an interloper just off our front patio.  He twitched and talked, bringing the attention of SWMBO and I. Here's what he saw.

That's a tiny wild bunny which we've seen around the neighborhood a couple of times.  He sat, still as a rock though he could tell he was being watched by that large black cat inside the house.  But he didn't seem at all nervous.  After awhile he engaged in some head scratching.

And then he was gone.

Blackwell, meanwhile, has found another viewing sight to look down on us as we are working in the kitchen.

How he gets to that level is nearly beyond our knowing as we have not seen him go up there.  But he seems to enjoy the spot, keeping a colorful wooden macaw company.

Until we spot him and order him down to his own level.  

Ah, the adventures of a cat.  Even an inside cat.