Monday, June 26, 2017


We only moved about 9 miles, just across town, and downward a couple of hundred feet but we have a new bird visiting the old birdbath.

It's a mockingbird and he loves getting into the bath and cooling his feet while he takes a drink or two.

We still see some finches, maybe a warbler or two and, of course, those dopey doves and maybe even a pigeon.

When the weather gets hot, like it's been here for about a week, a fresh, cool birdbath is a very popular spot.

Sunday, June 25, 2017


Yes, it has been brought home to us in the past ten days that we are, indeed, growing older.

I still hesitate to say "growing old."

As my memories of youth get further in the distant past I still hate to relent.

But in recent days, with Judy in a hospital, in surgery and in a rehabilitation hospital, I have been forced to think whenever I move about to "be careful, be aware, don't injure yourself now of all times."

It's not a bad idea to become more conscious of our aging bodies and the dangers that lurk therein.

I'm making big steps over obstacles even as I think unconsciously "but I'm not that old."

Judy is making singular progress day by day.

I watched today as a young man helped her out of her wheelchair, into a walker, then a turn and into bed.

But only one man, one person.

A day or two ago it took two people.

I am so proud of her.

I think she will once again be a new person, perhaps more careful, more judicious but beautiful with a fresh appearance.

I think, fondly, of something my good friend Tom Cochrun wrote to me recently:  "You'll never again be as young as you are today."


Friday, June 23, 2017


Oh, yes, Gentle Readers, it's here once again.

And this one is better than ever.

SWMBO continues to make progress every day at the Rehabiliation Hospital.

I'm slowly getting rid of the overage of "stuff" in our garage.

And the BRD returned from New Orleans last night.

What more could I ask for?

Oh, yes, the Friday Funnies!

All right, Lords and Ladies, that's it and once again thank you for all the wonderful, encouraging kind words directed toward Judy and me this week.

Now I want you to get out there, have a scrumptious weekend, always remember to keep laughing and above all . . . stay upright!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Thursday, June 22, 2017


My blog posts have become a bit mundane lately as I run the house while Judy is in the Rehab hospital.

But you know what tomorrow is!!!

Get your smiles engaged.

I just talked to the girl and she made more progress today.

She said she stood up several times between the parallel bars in the PT room this morning and was able to put a slight bit of weight on her leg.

And she had a shower and got her hair washed last night so she's feeling better.

After all these years she said vanity has flown out the window.

(But still no pictures.)

I've been arranging to give away several items of furniture that just won't fit into our new home and are too tattered or worn to be offered for sale.

Although I'm reminded of a story someone told me about putting an item out on the curb with a "Free" sign on it and it just sat there for a couple of days.

Then he put a sign on it with a price and that night somebody stole it.

One of the good things about the past three weeks is that I've lost about 11 pounds since the whole odyssey began.

But I don't recommend moving and then a wife with a broken leg for weight loss.

By the way, Gentle Readers, thank you all so much for your thoughtful comments and good wishes directed toward Judy and myself.

It means a lot.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


When I went to the rehab hospital today to visit Judy I found her, for the first time, sitting in a wheel chair with a smile on her face.

What a difference from yesterday.

She said she had been having Occupational Therapy today, which is designed to show you how to get around once you're home again.

Things like moving from the bed to the walker to the wheelchair and back.

She said she had much less pain during these exercises though she needed lots of help and can't put hardly any weight on her injured leg.

But she said she felt 75 percent better than yesterday.

What a relief.

So here's the first photo of the Lady.

Yeah, I know, it's not much.

But about her appearance, she's very modest.

This is the area of her forehead which hit the patio deck when she fell.

Friday night she had a huge goose-egg which has receded but the discoloration has spread out from the point of impact.

When she told the OT workers how much better she felt today they told her there would be some days where she would feel like she had backslid, to watch out for them and not to get discouraged.

The BRD returns from her vacation trip to New Orleans tomorrow.

Judy's fall occurred the day the BRD left and I had to answer her triumphant email of "We've Arrived" with the news of her mother's accident.

She wanted to immediately return to help in her mother's care but we both discouraged her from that, telling her there was nothing she could do at that point.

The women in my life are pretty remarkable.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017


Some of you Gentle Readers who I haven't informed may have been wondering about the absence of Oddball Observations and it's editor Catalyst since last week's Friday Funnies.

So let me tell you what's been going on.

Early Friday afternoon a man came and picked up all the empty boxes and foam and bubble wrap from our move and took it away.

We were elated to get even that much more space in our garage.

About an hour later, Judy took a step out onto our back patio where I was pulling up a sun shade, fell and broke her femur (thighbone).

I called 911 and got paramedics here, who took over, shot her full of some good drugs, loaded her onto a gurney, into an ambulance and took her to our local hospital.

Saturday morning she had surgery which resulted in what she calls a piece of rebar placed into her body.

After 3 nights in the hospital she was transferred yesterday to a rehabilitation hospital where she will reside for a week or two or three.

She is in intense pain whenever she tries to move her right side or put weight on that leg but that does not stop the medicos from putting her through PT (Physical Therapy).

I read on line today that a femur break can take 4 to 6 months or more to heal.

I am trying my best to do what I can, keeping the house running, the cats fed and watered, their litter pans emptied as well as (not a serious problem) feeding myself.

Frankly, Gentle Readers, it is all a pain in the ass.

But not as much pain as my beloved Judy is going through.

So, my friends, that's what has been going on.

Whatever you do as you age, don't fall, don't break any bones, and don't think that you may not do any of that.

I'll be here occasionally, as events allow me.

Friday, June 16, 2017


The heat is on, Gentle Readers.

The Weather Gods tell us it will be 95 today with the mercury steadily climbing day by day until topping out at 105 next Tuesday and Wednesday.

Now I know this is Arizona and we all here say "but it's a dry heat" but for my area, which is at around a 5,000 foot elevation, that is hot.

I'm just glad I moved back from Phoenix, where it is forecast to reach 121 by Tuesday.

And this is only June!

So with all that in mind let us start this week's edition of the Friday Funnies with this public service announcement from a cooler time.

So, with detente in the picture, we bid adieu to you.

Have an excruciatingly fine and cool weekend and always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(Oh, come on, willya . . .)