Monday, February 16, 2009

Young Catalyst

You who read this blog or who have met me know me as a fat old man.


SWMBO has been going through photos today and she brought this one in to show me. My first reaction was . . "Oh, gawd, hide that one." But then she commented (somewhat snidely I thought) "Remember when you had ribs?"

After pouting for awhile in the other room, I came back and asked her for the photo. I figure you, my blogger friends, deserve to see what Catalyst looked like when he was . . . A Greek God! Well, O.K. A Norwegian . . . whatever.

The photo was taken, we believe, in Cuyutlan, Mexico in the late 80's. All I can say is "what a difference 20 or so years makes."



  1. Not bad, not bad at all.
    I look nothing like I did in the 80's, to much mileage.

    Skip on over to my crib, got a goodie for you.

  2. Not bad, not bad at all.
    I look nothing like I did in the 80's, to much mileage.

    Skip on over to my crib, got a goodie for you.

  3. I can almost see up the leg of your shorts ;-)

    You look fabulous. x

  4. Mal-I - I don't think any of us look like we did in the 80's.

    Tombo - Well, it was Mexico, y'know. But looking in the mirror now I think I may have had too many of those!

    Oh Miss Kitty - You make me blush. For both comments!

  5. Wow! very handsome.
    Blogging has done my body a great disservice. Added poundage!

  6. Meggie - Yes, I've noticed many of my clothes have shrunk while hanging in the closet.

  7. Get a load of that six-pack!

    Actually I've always been rather fascinated by all the different incarnations of Mr Cat we've seen...

  8. Not really a six-pack. Just a skinny guy!
