Thursday, October 22, 2009

Now these are classic cars!

I spotted a couple of very old cars parked on Whiskey Row in Prescott today. I had to stop and snap some photos. You might notice a couple of very hairy passengers.

Upon closer examination, I found a black and a white dog, guarding the car while their masters stopped for lunch.

The car above is identified as a 1911 Ford Torpedo. Not sure about the one below.

Except to note that its license plate identified it as a Horseless Carriage.

I spoke briefly with the owners of the autos. They are both from Phoenix and had been making a tour of the northern part of the state.
. As fun as they are to look at, I can't imagine driving them for long distances at a time.


  1. Those are super. It would be nice to be rich and have a multi car garage. I'll have to settle for the pictures. Great job.

  2. You were lucky to see those beauties. Thanks for sharing them. The one I posted today is not so beautiful but a bit odd all the same.

  3. Judging from the rifle rack, maybe that's Oddjob's car!

  4. Tom - Thanks! We spotted them going by and went around the block to find a parking space. Fun.
