Tuesday, November 27, 2018


I was fooling around late this afternoon trying to get a new picture of myself.

Here's what I came up with.

My former colleague, Big Jeff, commented on Facebook that it looked like a booking photograph from some police department.

And he was right.

But the intense gaze is actually me trying to figure out how to take one of these selfies in the bathroom mirror.

Needless to say, even I didn't like it after I had changed to it on all the various sites.

So I'm (at least temporarily) back to Old Faithful.

At least your kids shouldn't have bad dreams about that guy.

Should they?


  1. My first thought was also that there should be a 5 digit number under that photo


  2. Have you watched "The Kaminsky Method" on Netflix? Michael Douglas and Alan Arkin star in it. In one episode MD is taking a walk in the park, sits on a bench and waves at some your mothers and their kids. They take a look at him and call the cops. Douglas is my age for chrissakes.

  3. Oh, dear. I'm glad you stuck with ol' faithful, as that first one is a tad too disgruntled. Like you've just waited hours to return something at Walmart. :-)

  4. From Ax Murder to Santa Claus in the blink of an eye.

  5. I can't thank you enough for taking that photo in the bathroom mirror from the NECK UP! Some people reveal a little too much of themselves.

  6. You look like a character in a Tarantino film in the top frame.
    Or possibly a booking shot in Deadwood.
    Stay with the quizzical Grand Pa shot until you look less like a public enemy.
    Thats my two cents anyway.

  7. Bruce, Looking good in the old shot.


  8. I cannot figure out how to do selfies, so I stick to the oldies but goodies!

  9. Oh yes, stick with the old shot! I love your wry smile in that one.

  10. Ha! It DOES look a bit mugshot-ish. I think it's because you're not smiling. Why so serious? Maybe have SWMBO take one of you?

  11. lol,, its so hard to take selfies isn't it, yup, just gotta smile,,

  12. I use a 10-year-old photo of me on a trainride, with a beer in front of me, because I just like it. I also like your "old faithful" photo because the light in your eyes reaches out. There's kindness there. New top one reminds me too much of being 18 in 1967 --those Uncle Sam posters where he always looked like he rather disapproved of me.
