Saturday, January 20, 2018


Today is the one-year anniversary of the inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States.

It is also the anniversary, minus one day, of the first Women's March of non-partisan, peaceful protest.

In spite of a cold day with a biting wind a huge crowd of women AND men marched around the courthouse plaza in downtown Prescott today.

There were many, many signs denouncing Trump, supporting Planned Parenthood and other women's issues.

I had thought earlier in the week about joining the march but my mind was made up when I heard that the BRD would  be marching.

And sure enough, we ran into each other nearly as soon as I arrived.

She was with her good friend, CJ.

Not bad for only a couple of days after having eye surgery and CJ is scheduled for spinal surgery in a week.

Now who couldn't support these two battlers for their health and their rights as women.

As citizens.

Update:  The BRD later sent me this photo she took of me at the march.  So, just to prove I was there . . .

And, yes, that is a cane in my right hand.