I was trying a new recipe yesterday for Butterscotch Blondies with toasted walnuts, chocolate chips and dates.
SWMBO came into the kitchen at one point and I said quietly but firmly to her: "This is not a good time."
She asked if I had burned the walnuts to a crisp and I responded in the negative.
As she left, I thought "well, maybe only one of them, which I threw away."
But that wasn't the crux of my Senior Learning.
After I was through I admitted my fib to her and then said "but that wasn't the main problem."
The perplexed cook staring at his newly misshapen spatula.
I told SWMBO I had ruined a rubber spatula and showed her the "finished" product, which I had used to stir the butter while I was browning it over a medium hot burner.
That's when she spoke the words that led off this blog post.
I haven't tasted the Blondies yet and I was wondering awhile ago if they will be rubbery.
SWMBO pointed out that the spatula was the one she (had) used the most.
I told her I'd get her a new one.
* * * * * * *
Update on the birdbath heater: there's a loose connection inside the bulb socket which can't be reached so a new one will have to be purchased.
Maybe I can get one at the same store that sells rubber spatulas.