Sunday, November 24, 2019


I know.

It's still a few days before Thanksgiving.

And I know how SWMBO puts off any Christmas decorating as long as she can.

That's why I was agape when she brought this home from a brief shopping stint the other day.

Yeah, you've got it, it's a giant poinsettia plant.

I love 'em but we rarely get one in the house during the holidays unless the BRD brings one over.

When we moved to Mexico back in the distant '80's, I was amazed to find several of the blooming beauties in the yard of a house we rented.

As I told Judy, I thought they always grew in pots in the grocery stores.

BTW, in Mexico they're called flor de nochebuena, or Christmas Eve flowers.

To this day I always think of them as nochebuenas and have to go to The Great Google to bring the name "poinsettia" back.

Whatever you call them, they're beautiful.

When I questioned my housemate about it she said it was only $5.99 and they're normally 3 or 4 times that for one that size.

So the Christmas season has started early, even in my house.

Speaking of Christmas, the BRD emailed us this picture this morning.

And, speaking of the BRD, she sent a picture of her view this morning.

Do you have any idea where she is?


  1. To be fair, Thanksgiving IS late this year. So a poinsettia is not too early. You want to get enough enjoyment out of it. As for the BRD's location, my first instinct said Florida, but I'm sure she's in a way more exotic place.

  2. The poinsettia is named after American Joel Poinsett who was our first minister to Mexico. I became aware of him researching free masonry in Mexico. After Mexico gained independence, there was hostility between the pro-American York Rite Masons and the conservative Scottish Rite Masons. Poinsett led the York Rite Masons and liberal thinking Mexican Masons. Many presidents of Mexico have been Free Masons. Poinsett found the flower a remote area of Mexico and made it known to the world.

  3. When I grew up in Florida, we had a holiday poinsettia that my mom planted out in the garden, and it got HUGE. And then got killed by a freeze. Oh well. They're native to Mexico, I think.

    Re. the picture from the BRD, at first I thought those were mountains on the horizon, and I was kind of confused. But I think they're clouds. So going with that, I'm guessing South Florida?

  4. I like reading a bit of the history of the poinsettia. I've never had one, but they are sure a pretty part of the season. The only thing I can say with certainty about where the BRD is, is that it's definitely someplace I've never been.

  5. Love the poinsettia. It's a gorgeous plant.
    I'll guess Hawaii.

  6. Looks like the BRD is In Puerto Vallarta MX based on the coastline.

  7. Yes, Anonymous, you are correct. See the next post.
