Saturday, November 23, 2019


The sun is back today but yesterday morning was a bit of a surprise.

Fog was blanketing my neighborhood.

A foggy day always makes me think of the Sherlock Holmes stories I read as a kid.

"The game is afoot.

Watson?  Watson?

Where the devil are you?"


  1. I'm surprised to see fog there. We were blanketed in it here for almost two weeks.

  2. Robin, we had rain for two days prior to Friday, then a cold morning.

  3. I love taking photos with fog but, we see it so rarely down here.

  4. I'm sure your reference to Julie London has to do with her singing "A Foggy Day in London Town." One of her many great renditions. She is also the reason I started smoking Marlboros back in 1957 as she very seductively sang their commercial, "You get a lot to like in a Marlboro; Filter--Flavor--Fliptop Box." I haven't smoked since 2AM on March 20th, 1964 at Osan Air Base in Korea, but I can still visualize her on TV and hear her singing.

  5. We only rarely get fog here either. But when we do, it's pretty thick. And for some reason, very common on New Year's Eve. Does make me miss Boston, where the fog nestles up to the drizzle and mist.

  6. Foggy days have a special feel, don't they. Over here on the Central Coast, the fog is a welcomed visitor.

  7. Many mysteries may have been marinating while your neighborhood was shrouded in fog...

  8. Good shots!

    I believe we had fog this morning along our river, but I didn't walk up to confirm.
