SWMBO is a fan of Rachel Madow's show on MSNBC.
I am not.
But tonight I happened to be in the room when the show started and when Rachel said she was going to start in Arizona I stopped to see what she had to say.
I assumed it would be about state officials certifying the election vote for Joe Biden and might include something about Crazy Rudy Giuliani's appearance in Phoenix today.
It did.
But moreso, it made a laughing stock of my Governor, Doug "Ducky" Ducey.
You have to watch it, if you can.
All I can say is this is what happens when you make an ice cream salesman your governor.
On a much more serious note, I advise you to watch this video on the Cheerful Monk's blog.
It's about 20 minutes long and the narrator has a somewhat monotonous, perhaps robotic, delivery but the information for our grandchildren is invaluable.
And that's all I've got on this last day of November.
Happy full moon!