Saturday, December 18, 2021


 Health care professionals say 44 percent of people of all ages in my county have been vaccinated to protect them from the Coronavirus.

The hospitals are filled to capacity and people continue to die.

Over 900 in just my county so far.

And yet . . .

In our consumer society, one Internet meme offers a solution.

In spite of these sardonic thoughts, the Coronavirus is no laughing matter.

Get vaccinated and get your booster jabs.



  1. Well before I start in on the hot bed of vaccine controversy, I love your header with Mary Colter's Watch tower. Wow. Wish I had seen the Grand Canyon when I was really young and it wasn't tourist trap city.

    I am double immunized with the booster on top of that. I'm still experiencing problems from the booster a month ago. Many people I know have ongoing problems from the 2nd vaccine. I have heard that now people won't even get a flu shot or pneumonia shot because of their bad experience with the Covid vaccine. I also know many who refuse to get vaccinated and so far they are not compromised and feel like they are having the last laugh. It's a controversial subject that's for sure. We'll see what comments you get.

  2. We've been vaccinated, gotten our boosters, and feeling fine. Just waiting out the holiday season to see what comes next with the rise in cases. T'is the season to try and stay safe.
    Thank you for the good laughs.

  3. No one I know has had serious issues from the vaccines or boosters. Perhaps a short-lived fever/aches. I sure don't see what the solution will be UNLESS people get vaccinated, boosted and then do mitigation members to bring our numbers down and quit spreading it. According to doctors and other medical personnel, the people clogging the hospitals and nearly bringing down our hospitals are the unvaccinated. That's NOT a coincidence.

  4. I want the current situation to end. That means listening to what science says. Not a conspiracy theorist online.

  5. Thanks for the laughs on what is a snowy day for us!

  6. Good use of the space. Thanks

  7. Well, the national numbers for >75 are at 84%. For 65-74 it's nearly 90%. For Arizona over 75 it's about 90%

    - Zhoen

  8. My sister won't get the vaccine. She's a nurse. Things are bad here and getting worse. A coworker died, and I found myself thinking about losing my sister. I've been thinking about it a lot.

    It brings tears to my eyes every time.

  9. The whole "I don't know what's in it" excuse is mind boggling.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Agreed. Do we know what's in ANY vaccine -- measles, polio, flu? And yet people are fine with getting those. The only reason people are so freaked out about Covid vaccines is all the disinformation and pseudo-science out there.

  12. I was so relieved to get my booster!
