Friday, September 9, 2022


 For we Anglophiles (I'm talkin' about you, Cakes!) it's been a kind of a rough time, what with the sad news of yesterday.

But I'm here to tell you that no matter your troubles and tribulations, it's important to put a smile on your face.

And my job is to help you with that.

So here goes.

Now cue the laughter gene.

So on that silly note it's time for me to wish you a shorter but slightly cooler and excruciatingly pleasureful weekend.

Now remember if your job is small and your rewards are few just keep in mind the mighty oak was once a nut like you.

And with that terrible and ancient Dad Joke, I will remind you (while ducking) to always keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(. . . hmmmm . . .)


  1. So many good ones. I'm still groaning over some of them.

  2. Lost passwords, I relate to that joke. Ouch. I think this story about the Queen might make you laugh. (if you haven't already heard it)

  3. I had to think about the Potato Head one for a second :-)

  4. These made me laugh out loud. Thank you for that.

  5. The password one hit home. Only this morning I was confronted with a "change password" request and I couldn't for the life of me remember the old one. After a 30 minute search, I found that the computer remembered for me. Duh!

  6. The hunting dog and the trying to find the mute are my favorites. Thanks so much for doing this. 😊

  7. Thanks for the laughs, and I must tell you, I want the cat in your header photo, so handsome and looks like a tiger.

  8. I have never once thought to call my mixed peas and corn, "porn", but maybe now I will.

  9. I've gotta share the lost passwords! Great batch this week!

  10. All good, Bruce. Thanks for includiing me in your blog!
