Wednesday, July 31, 2024


I am healing.

It's apparently a slow process.

I either sleep too much or too little, it seems, but I'm working to control that.

In spite of the fact that a couple of doctors and a few nurses have told me that my limit of drinking should be two drinks or two beers or two glasses of wine a day, I have kept it to one since I came home from the hospital.

I'm a little wobbly on my feet even before the alcohol.

Still I'm getting around, with the help of a cane at times but the walker I started off with was too much of a hassle for me so I quickly abandoned it.

I've been visited by a physical therapist for an interview and to see how I've been doing.

She'll be back to torture me with exercises, again and again and again.

I have appointments scheduled for next week with my personal care doctor and with my cardiologist.

So that's my report, to anyone who is interested.

I have had one recurring thought, though, that has me scratching my head.


  1. We are all interested! And Keith Richards will outlive us all!

  2. We are all rooting for you. Take care!
    —-Cheerful Monk

  3. Lots of people our here who care. I a.m catching up with your posts so from my perspective your recovery has been speedy indeed! Docs sure know how to take the fun out of life though.

  4. Docs sure can take the fun out of life. And therapists add pain to the mix! I am glad you are doing all the right things though.

  5. When the physio therapist says do it 20 times 4 times a day , they mean it . It works if you do what they tell you.

  6. Thanks for the update. Keith Richards is waiting to get some satisfaction.

    1. I was in a grocery store recently wearing a Rolling Stones t-shirt. As I passed a couple, the man said "Nice t-shirt". I responded "You can't always get what you want", and he and his lady both laughed. I thought afterwards what I should have said was "It gives me satisfaction." 😊

  7. Thérèse from ToulouseJuly 31, 2024 at 9:00 PM

    Glad I read all at once. Less to worry, you are healing that is what counts. Take care and follow the therapist advices. Luckily the olympic games will keep you in mental shape and help you practice. I wish you a speedy recovery.

    1. Thérèse, how good to hear from you. I watch the Olympics but I still don't think I could keep up with those gymnasts! Thanks for your good wishes.

  8. Not only did Keith Richards outlive Richard Simmons, he's five years OLDER than Richard Simmons. So, go figure.

    Seriously, I'm glad you're recovering. Take it slow. I think your approach to alcohol sounds sensible! (Which is less fun but probably wise.)

  9. You make a good point about Keith Richards and how many other people who stick to the healthy routines including lots of exercise drop dead for no apparent reason while quite young? How many elderly people eat what they want, smoke and rarely exercise and still live to be in their 90s? As far as I'm concerned the whole thing is a genetic lottery and if my grandmother could make it to 96 then I have hope for myself, though my parents died in their 70s, but they both had cancer (different types).

    1. Genetic lottery. I like the sounds of that. Given my past, I should never have lived to 84 so now I have that 100 mark in my sights! 😄

  10. Keep on keeping on..and do those exercises!
    The Wikipedia entry on Richard Simmonds makes interesting does the one on Keith Richards.

  11. I assume that the physical therapist will provide full body massages upon request. I recommend coconut oil and hibiscus-scented candles.

    1. My wife got an allergic reaction to something with hibiscus in it so I'll probably avoid that. Don't know about the rest. 😉

  12. Replies
    1. Why thank you but I didn't know you were a Vulcan.

  13. Keith is thin and active and we don't know if he exercises so just go with the flow and try to get stronger. Glad you are healing.

    1. Yes, Keef (Keith) certainly had his activities. Thank you, Pat.

  14. I am so glad that you are healing, Catalyst. Take care there. (NewRobin13)

  15. Of course we care about you! I'm glad you are feeling better and that your sense of humor is still with you!

    1. It would be a hard job to get rid of my sense of humor! 😎

  16. The data on alcohol and the heart is incomplete, and biased towards the AMA. The actual data is inconclusive, and can be interpreted many ways. This is one: Others differ. It's a area still unresolved, but consensus is that if can and does cause cardiomyopathy, when used to excess. What is excess? Research still is trodding on ground not yet examined. I have now advise, Bruce. At least none pro

    1. Researchers be damned. I'm cutting back, way back. And thanks for mentioning that "none pro bono" stuff. You're still my friend, whether you like it or not!

  17. Hope you recover at whatever pace from your episode. Day by day. Baby steps. With a walker or a cane, just keep on keeping on.

  18. I'm glad that you're making progress on your healing and have all the experts helping you through your recovery--or torturing you, I'm not sure which. There are so many different opinions about alcohol that I don't know what to think except that an occasional beer or two is probably OK. Or not?

  19. At this point, Keith dying will be a sign of the end times.
