Monday, March 24, 2025


You may recall the night of April 1st last year when an arsonist burned down the Legado project, incurring a cost to the developer of around 60 million dollars.

He hasn't been apprehended yet but just recently the new Legado began rising on the lot where the previous one was about three-quarters completed.

The project is being built the same way, with pre-cast concrete slabs which are hoisted into place and secured, which makes construction very rapid.

This, I presume, is the parking garage, which is erected first before the outside of it is surrounded by apartments and businesses.

And I would imagine with the experience of a year ago there is full-time 24-hour security on the site.

Meantime, just across the street a TownePlace Suites by Marriott is well along in it's construction.

With the Findlay Toyota Center arena on one corner, the Homestead Talking Glass Apartments on another and these two projects under construction on two others, this interesection will probably soon be one of the busiest in our town.

I just wonder when the town leaders will decide to change the designation from a town to a city!


  1. Replies
    1. A ranching family that owned most of the land has sold or donated much of it to the town and developed a lot of it. I suspect they are quite prosperous.

  2. Ha! Remember when Will Rogers said "Buy Land. They ain't making any more of the stuff." ?

  3. Perhaps a suspicious chink in your armour... How do you know that the arsonist was a male and not a female? Is there something you are not telling us Bruce? Where were you on the night of April 1st 2024?

    1. There are videos from cameras. He was well disguised but definitely a male. And I was in the arms of Morpheus.

  4. You live in a "growing place".

  5. Growth always cause me to have mixed feelings, but mostly, I am afraid, i am a reactionary and was prefer no, or very slow growth. My hometown of Manassas boomed in the late 60s and early 70s, so that I no longer felt at home there, and fled to these hills. At least the pace of development is at a turtle's pace here.

    1. There is a lot to be said about slow growth.

  6. An intersection surrounded by tall buildings won't be getting much sunshine except at noon when the sun is high in the sky.

  7. I like development as long as there is infrastructure to go along with it. My town/city built, built, built but did nothing with the roads so, as you can guess, traffic around here is h*ll.

  8. Thank you for the update. From time to time I wondered if they were rebuilding.

  9. Moving on up ... deluxe apartment in the sky and all. I hope the arsonist realizes he can't stop progress and leaves the new builds alone.

    1. I suspect he long since left the area but who knows.

  10. More square blocks. Lego anyone?
    There has been a fire in our local town last night. Unfortunately in a nineteenth century building....more of Ayr's character disappearing

    1. I just looked up a news story on your fire. Amazing that the buildings on either side didn't burn as well.

  11. There was a construction fire about a mile south of us a few years ago, that destroyed an almost finished apartment and retail development. It was caused by a worker tossing a cigaret in a dumpster. It delayed the opening of Aldi by almost two years.

    1. We have our first Aldi store coming this year to my town. My wife had never heard of the chain.

    2. I cannot wait to see what you think of it!

  12. I wonder if they have changed the design at all.
