Being the continued adventures of a baking novice . . .
Today I tried to create a Sour-Cream Coffeecake.
Sounds pretty simple, doesn't it?
Well, except for the so-called Strudle topping.
That called for sugar, flour, cinnamon and chopped nuts.
Do you bakers out there notice anything missing?
Well, my roommate did but she DIDN'T TELL ME!
She said, after the fact, that she was concerned that there was no fat in that topping, i.e. NO BUTTER!
I was concerned about it, too, because the sugar didn't stick to the walnuts but I figured maybe the cake batter would provide the necessary moisture.
When the cake was done and the sugar part of the so-called Strudle topping just lay there, looking pale and pallid and un-melded, THEN, AND ONLY THEN, did SWMBO say "Well, I thought it should have had some butter in it."
I read these recipes to her, I show them to her.
Doesn't it seem that I am begging for help from her decades of experience?
Oh, well, it smelled terrific and I'm thinking it will taste terrific, once I get past that dry taste of the so-called Strudle topping.
One other thing, since this is a Throwback Thursday.
I received this photo from one of my classmates of many decades ago.
It shows Lenora, Carolle and Ona . . . three young ladies from my high school graduating class.
They still look like the cheerleaders of my past young dreams to me.