Monday, October 24, 2016


While out and about the other day, I paid a visit to Prescott Valley's Chapel of the Valley.

Take note: I am not religious but I've always enjoyed visiting chapels and churches in their "off-duty" hours.

I think it's the quiet which gives one time to meditate.

This chapel is a tiny one.

It was donated to the city by the Fain Family and it overlooks Fain Park.

The Fains were ranchers that once owned most if not all of the land where Prescott Valley is now located.

The chapel houses a handful of beautiful stained glass windows.

On the day I was there it was being readied for a wedding.

I can only assume that given the size of the chapel it would be a small affair.

I departed before the attendees arrived.

Sunday, October 23, 2016


As has oft been noted, this is the autumnal season of the year.

On a visit to Prescott, the now-smaller city to the west, we encountered a spare lot selling pumpkins.

Variety is the spice of life, eh?

The question then becomes "Are they for food or decoration?"

As I said in a different context yesterday . . you pays your money, you makes your choice.

Saturday, October 22, 2016


The title of this post could refer to the current presidential election campaign in the United States of America.

Or it could reflect back to the originator of that phrase who has recently won the Nobel Prize for Literature . . . "finally", for some; "inexplicably", for others.

Or it could just refer to my neighbors' Pampas Grass.

You pays your money, you makes your choice.

Friday, October 21, 2016


The laughter at last night's Al Smith Dinner was somewhat sparse so I'm here to tickle your titter-impulse.

Don't hold back.

Okay, that's probably way more than enough for one week.

Have yourself a merry little weekend, Gentle Readers, and always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty.

Hey, I didn't tell you to bring your cousin with you!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


People are sometimes surprised that where I live in Arizona we actually have four seasons.

But our home is at 5,130 feet . . far above the desert floor of Phoenix though only 80 miles away.

So our trees turn colorful at this time of year, changing from the summertime green.

In front of our home, our Red Maple is beginning to change to the color that gives it its name.

Just outside the window of my den the Redbud is rapidly losing it's summer foliage, as the leaves turn golden and then fall.

That keeps me busy several times a day cleaning out the bird bath.

We're waiting until the tree is completely or nearly bare before we take on the onerous job of cleaning up all the fallen leaves.

That's probably why we know this autumn season as "fall."

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


On a visit to Baja California back in 2006(?) I had lunch with my two favorite women, SWMBO and the BRD, at some place on the water in Ensenada.

I can't remember the name of the place or what we had to eat but I know the piƱa coladas were great!