Thursday, October 19, 2017


Oddly enough, no photos exist of tonight's meal.

I prepared about half of it.

Pepper Steak (steak au poivre) that I grew to love at a French restaurant (Restaurante Pierre) when we lived in Guadalajara, Mexico.

I learned to make it at home.

Tonight's meal was accompanied by a baked Russet potato topped with butter and sour cream and salt and pepper, asparagus, and a wonderful mixed salad, courtesy SWMBO.

She doesn't love steak like I do (though she does love this preparation) so it's a rare treat.

A little red wine, after aperitifs of whiskey and water and vodka and water, and (for me) an after touch of Sambucca straight up.

She topped her meal off with a bit of Death by Chocolate ice cream.

Do we dine well?

Yes, I think we do.

(Sorry for the absence of pictures.)

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


It's been awhile since I have updated y'all on my wife's progress since she broke her femur (thighbone).

Monday marked the four-month anniversary of the fall on our (new) back patio.

Tuesday was the anniversary of the surgery that implanted a titanium rod from her hip to her knee of her right leg.

It's been a long haul but today I can report that she went to a doctor appointment, then we went to lunch and then to a lengthy grocery shopping excursion.

Judy/SWMBO left her walker at home for the first time and used only a cane and occasionally my arm to ambulate.

She did use an electric cart in the grocery store but that has predated her fall and even I have occasionally used one.

These old bodies sometimes aren't made for walking.

Then I told Judy about a young mother I had seen in the grocery store.

She was slim and lithe and at one point noticed the laces on her high-top sneaker were loose.

She didn't bend over . . she raised that leg and calmly tied the laces while standing like a flamingo and carrying on a conversation with a store employee.

Some days the amazing wonders of youth are just a bit much to take.

Friday, October 13, 2017


All right, Gentle Readers, once again it is Friday and having recovered from my Computer Disaster Week, let's see if we can find something to smile about.

Granted, with disasters coming day by day it isn't easy but let us charge into the breach, flags flying and courage foremost.

That's it, Gentle Readers.

Now let's all make a decision to get outside this weekend and have a(n) hilariously fine time (leaving desktop computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones behind.)

And always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .


Once again I surface.

It must have been all those kind thoughts expressed by y'all.

Just when I was about to give up computering for good an old friend, Lori Down the Block, revealed that she and her husband Rick had a computer for sale.

I bought it.

I'm using it now though I have a lot to learn.

Cross your fingers that I may get the Friday Funnies published this week though it IS Friday the 13th!

Thursday, October 12, 2017


The Catalyst's old PC apparently died in its sleep last night.

Further details when they are available.

Get outside and enjoy the sunshine, Gentle Readers.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Another trip to the computer doctor today.

Side note: I asked him where he picked up his computer skills.

He said, "Oh, I've been doing it all my life."

I said, "Whenever someone tells me they're having computer problems I ask them if they have a 9-year-old in their neighborhood."

My computer doc said "I was that 9 year old.  Always taking stuff apart and then putting it back together."

I got the first part of that but must have missed the second.

Anyway, my machine went to sleep earlier today, then wouldn't wake up.

Computer doc put a new power supply in it but said he was worried about how hot the processor was running.

(He also said a lot of other stuff that I didn't have the faintest  hint of understanding but this time I just let him talk.)

And then I asked him the important question.

How much is this going to cost me?

I got off pretty easy but as I was leaving he, with a worried face, said "I'll pray for your computer."

Oh, great.

Now I'm really worried.

But, as the familiar saying goes, "this too shall pass."

I just hope my computer will outlive me.

There's another familiar expression:  "I'm too old for this shit!"

Monday, October 9, 2017


Yes, I know, it's silly.

So let me explain.

SWMBO, the BRD and I were enjoying a Sunday brunch at the historic old Hassayampa Inn in Prescott yesterday.

The BRD has been having some eye surgery and was wearing these mah-velous pink sunglasses.

Now I'm a sucker for colorful eyewear so at one time she had taken them off and laid them on the table.

I immediately grabbed them and tried them on.

Ooooohh, talk about seeing the world through rose-colored glasses!

The BRD said "Andy Warhol!"

I responded with "No, it's Truman Capote!"

SWMBO prompted the BRD to take a photo and I put on what I considered my imitation of an aging Tru, as he was known to his friends.

As I said at the beginning, it is silly.

But we can be a silly family.

How was YOUR weekend?