Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Tuesday, April 3, 2018


There is a slight but burning disagreement going back many years about the ownership of the Grand Canyon.

Since it crosses my state's northern border, Utah tries from time to time to claim it.

But Utah has Arches National Park.  And Bryce Canyon and Canyonlands and Capitol Reef and Zion.

So down here in Arizona, aka Heaven on Earth, you Utahns just leave our Grand Canyon alone.

One car's vanity plate says it best.

Incidentally, those are Saguaro cacti.

(It's pronounced suh-GWAHR -oh, for you aliens.)

It's bloom, which comes out of the top of it, is the Official State Flower of Arizona.

And that critter in the middle is a Roadrunner.

But while Roadrunners are prevalent in this blessed state, the official state bird is the Cactus Wren.

Class dismissed, Gentle Readers.

Monday, April 2, 2018


"Coo, Coo, Kachoo, Mrs. Robinson, Jesus loves you more than you will know, Whoa Whoa Whoa"

Who really knows what that lyric from the movie "The Graduate" means?

I just thought of it when I was looking at this photo of one of our multitude of doves that inhabit the neighborhood and occasionally hog the bird bath.

They strut around the yard, posing as if they are thinking they are as pretty as peacocks.

They are somewhat sleek and the lack of a crested head removes any ferocity from their appearance.

So I'll put up with them.

And bliss out on Simon and Garfunkel's music.

Here comes your ear worm.

Sunday, April 1, 2018


Maybe evidence of an "April fool" which took place a day early.

The couple out for a spin in their fancy red hot rod apparently found themselves stalled at the side of the road.

The fellow in the cowboy hat had stopped and walked over to see if he could help.

Sometimes, looks aren't everything.

(A short time later the car was gone so maybe all ended well.)

Saturday, March 31, 2018


Cat on the prowl

Friday, March 30, 2018



Who let that dog in here?

Oh, well, I guess he's not leaving for awhile.

And I can't bring myself to . . . fire him!!!????

So, Gentle Readers, let us proceed into the rapture of near-end-of-the-week hilarity.

And Happy Passover and Happy Easter.

This week's pie chart is actually a throwback, back to when someone first came up with it, just penciled on a bar napkin.

Okay, on that surly note, let us move on into the weekend.

A fahn-tahs-tic weekend, Gentle Readers, as the weather most everywhere has finally broken into the reverie we here at Oddball HQ know as Spring.

Enjoy it.

Oh, and don't forget our watchwords:  Always Keep Laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(Oh, I don't think that's a very good idea . . .)

Thursday, March 29, 2018


I have two different pronunciations of a familiar (and familial) term.

It's the word "aunt".

For some reason when I'm not talking about one of my family members, I pronounce it "Ahnt".

But curiously, for those in my family the word is pronounced "Ant".

My mother's sister, for instance, was always known as Anty Ann.

Her name was actually Anna but modernity shortened it to Ann.

This is a long way around introducing you to my Aunt Lil, short for Lillian.

She lives in Billings, Montana, with her daughter, my musical cousin Bonnie.

And recently she received a couple of honors, being declared Birthday Queen at the Southside Senior Center and then Queen at the 4th Avenue Senior Community Center.

Gentle Readers, my Aunt Lil is a nonagenarian, which I'm sure you all know is a person in their 90's.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is what 96 looks like!

Pretty damned good, if you ask me.