When Mother Nature performed an execution on our poor sick elm tree recently, we received a number of expressions of sorrow and condolence.
But wait!
The ever-concerned-about-beauty SWMBO came up with a solution when it became apparent that our landlord was not going to replace said tree.
She found a Fake Ficus at a thrift store and we dug a hole and planted it in the same approximate place that the elm had occupied.
It's not near as big but it does wonders for the appearance of the yard.
That's Japanese Honeysuckle in the background.
It's *not* a fake and she's trying to train it to thrive and bush out and grow to the top of the wall.
If this blasted weather would break she may have a chance.
Meantime there's this.
We're hoping the Fake Ficus doesn't shed any more of it's leaves.