No, no, no, it's not that kind of pot gardening.
This is gardening IN pots.
Like on our patio.
Serrano pepper
We got one pepper from it so far.
It was hotter than . . . . blazes!
Shishito Pepper
We've had lots of these, courtesy of a grower at our local Farmers Market.
They're not really hot at all.
Judy thinks we'll get lots of these if she can just control the aphids and leaf hoppers.
It likes its spot below the faucet where it collects drips.
Judy had ordered cherry tomato plants like the ones we had last year and the tag says cherry tomato.
But look at the size of this first one.
Looking again at the tag reveals . .
It's a Sakura cherry tomato, which produces a fruit that measures 1-1/2 inches across.
This one is more like 2 inches so when we get a few ripened at the same time I see some BLT sandwiches in our future.