With the lighter color on its breast and the sort of disheveled look of its hair, I assumed it was a fledgling.
But it had "robin attitude" already.
After a couple of sips of water, it got down on the ground and began pecking its way through the bark, apparently feeding on the ants I've seen there.
That attracted more robins who joined in the feeding frenzy.
Then one of them jumped up on the edge of the water tank and dominated it.
When another bird would hop up for a drink the first one would chase it off.
It took a few cautious dips in the water but realized it was too deep for a proper bath.
For some reason it totally ignored the bird bath up above, which being shallower would have allowed for more relaxed bathing.
But who can understand the minds of birds?
Just now I've had a dove invasion - six at once in the yard with three sharing the bird bath.