Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Normally I would have saved this post for ThrowBack Thursday.

But I'm posting it today and calling it WayBack Wednesday.

It was instigated by my friend Steve, in London, (Shadows & Light, over there in the right margin).

He wrote today about the Wayback Machine, which is an archive of stuff that may have disappeared on the Interwebs.

Like the early days of my blog.

So I looked and here's the post I found that I deemed good enough to share with y'all.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


It suddenly occurred to me . . . well, actually, it was occasioned by receiving a comment e-mail from a friend passing kudos on to those responsible for the flowers around my home . . . that because of all the pictures I have posted on my blog of the beautiful flowers and trees and such, it might occur to some of you that I, Catalyst himself, am responsible for their growth.

So, I thought I'd better explain that I don't garden. 

When SWMBO says something like "you know the plants need some watering" or "would you look at those weeds" . . . I run screaming like a whirling dervish for my car and escape. 

SWMBO does the gardening, ably assisted by the BRD.

But let me assure you, while the girls are gardening, I'm taking care of the important stuff. 

I blog. 

I worry about the war in Iraq. 

I think about who is going to run for president and who is going to win. 

I experiment and try to decide which is more important: siestas or naps.

Gardening is one thing. 

But the world and its problems are important, too. 

Someone has to take care of the tough stuff.

You may have noticed that was from June, 2007, and we and the BRD have moved a few times since then.

Thirteen years ago when I was a retiree of only about one year.

A spring chicken, so to speak.

With the same ideas.

Some things never change. 

Though I do water the plants now, from time to time.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Monday, July 20, 2020


Why is this man angry?

Could it be because someone ate a big chunk of his French Apple Cake?

Sunday, July 19, 2020


The tomatoes are ripening in their pot on the patio.

You may remember our confusion because Judy had expected Cherry Tomatoes.

These are much bigger than that but whatever they are they seem happy.

Saturday, July 18, 2020


Congressman John Lewis
1940 - 2020

Friday, July 17, 2020


Oh, yes it is, it's Friday again.

Do you notice how they roll around faster these days?

That either means you're getting older or you're sleeping more.

Or both.

Never mind, let's get on with the business of the day.


Now that that's over, I'm overjoyed.

Not that it was overstimulating or that I was overcompensating to offset the overpopulation of bad news.

And I didn't mean to be ostentatious, not overly so anyway.

I just wanted to be sure that you Gentle Readers would have an oddball, well orchestrated weekend.

Enjoy it and always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(I said, bowing down.)

Thursday, July 16, 2020


As an amateur photographer I've always been fascinated by hats.

Taking pictures at various festivals has given me a wide exposure to a variety of headgear.

Have you ever noticed that the prettiest girls often wear the snazziest hats?

That last one earned her monicker, the Beautiful Rich Daughter.

Sometimes the hats aren't even on real peole.

Or on people at all.

And sometimes, a hat is just a hat.