Brioche Buns from Bruce's Bakery
The sun is back.
The snow is gone.
Here's another ornamental pear tree to brighten your "safe way".
To explain that last sentence, the tree is directly in front of my local Safeway grocery store.
I couldn't resist.
I'm sorry.
Now here's a thought for the day, sent the other day from Comical Carol with a heading saying "Why I've Given Up Watching the News."
After two days of posts about our lovely ornamental fruit tree blossoms here in the foothills of Arizona, what to our wondering eyes should we see last night?
The ornamental pear trees are beautiful at a distance, especially as they contrast with the plum trees (lower left).
Up close, their white blossoms are not as showy.
Still, a nice harbinger of Spring.
By the looks of things around my neighborhood, Spring is truly making an effort to arrive.
A little closer . . .
The ornamental pear trees are also blooming.
I'll try to post some pictures of them tomorrow.
Well, what a week it's been, eh?
Rain, sunshine, cool days, warm days.
Springtime in the Rock....well, not quite the Rockies, but fairly close.
Some baking, then a mention of Rumpole brought my housemate to prominence and the adoration came from all over.
So it's been a somewhat satisfying week.
Now let's bring it to a resounding finish with . . . well, you know.
I think I'm beginning to understand why that gang never made it back to Earth.
They weren't *allowed* to return!
Well, since you Gentle Readers are already here, let me teleport you into an excruciatingly wonderful weekend.
And always remember to keep laughing!
Here, kitty-kitty . . .
When I asked SWMBO what she'd thought of my blog post yesterday she had a fitting comment.
And since I *always* let her have the last word . . . here it is.