Monday, December 2, 2013


When I first came to Arizona, back in 1972, (Wow!  That was 41 years ago!) I landed a job at a television station in Phoenix.  At first I was a producer but then went back to being a reporter, which is what I really liked to do.  Somewhere shortly after I began covering the news I became aware that Sun City, Del Webb's paradise for seniors on the edge of Phoenix, was the scene of an unusual number of suicides. Seniors were supposed to be enjoying the good life in their golden years.  Instead, an unusually high number of them seemed to be finding life too much for them.  I proposed that I do a documentary on the subject.  I even had a name for it:  Sunset in Sun City.  I thought it would be great.  Obviously someone above me did not share my opinion.  The documentary, not to mention any single news stories on the subject, never saw the airwaves.

I still think it would have been a great idea but . . . that was just one of many disappointments in my broadcasting career.

All of which brings me to the real subject of today's blog post.

A semi-beautiful sunset.

Last night's was better as the sky turned crimson.  I spotted it too late to grab a camera but I was ready tonight.

No matter where you live, if you're a photographer . . professional or amateur . . your files are probably full of sunset pictures.  Everyone thinks they have the best ones.

Let me tell you.  The best sunsets are in Arizona.

And once again, I must apologize for those power lines marring the view.  Sorry 'bout that.