Thursday, December 29, 2016


Back in 1961 I was working at a radio station in Minot, North Dakota.

I was, I am proud to say, a rock and roll disc jockey.

I was on the air every night as . . . wait for it . . . Bruce on the Loose.

Curiously, that monicker has stuck with me through the years.

Only a few years ago I was at a reunion picnic and someone I hadn't seen since high school said, behind me, "It's Bruce on the Loose!"

I don't have any pictures of me at the microphone, spinning my stacks of platters.

(Yes, you younger readers, the music was on 45 and 33 rpm vinyl discs in those days.)

But I do have this photo from that era.

I was 21 years old, living at a YMCA and here was putting all the seductive charm I could fathom on the young secretary in the office.

It didn't work.

Somehow, some way, she was able to resist my reptilian ways.

Bruce on the Loose, indeed!