Sunday, December 10, 2017


Some of you have commented how the blue color of our bird bath/drinking pond matches nearly perfectly the color of the blue jays that visit it.

Some others of you may wondered about my constant photographing and displaying their visits to said bath/pond.

It goes back.

Way, way, way back to the days of my youth in a small town in northwestern North Dakota where I was born and raised.

The town's name was Stanley and the nickname of the school's sports teams was . . . well, I bet you guessed it, didn't you?

I never was on any of the teams but, as I think I've said here before, I was the tallest student manager in the state.

And I still remember the "fight song".

Stanley Blue Jays
Hats off to thee
Your name, your fame
spreading from sea to sea.
Rah, rah, sis-boom-bah,
Rah, rah, sis-boom-bah,
H'ray for the white and blue!

So forgive this alumnus of 1958 for his favoring the blue jays in his yard.

It runs deep.