Friday, October 22, 2021


A former mayor of New York City, Fiorello LaGuardia, was known for reading the funny papers on a radio station during a newspaper delivery strike in 1945.

While I have, so far at least, refrained from duplicating his feat I continue to bring you these weekly breaks from monotony in your daily lives.

(Curiously, LaGuardia spent a short part of his youth in nearby Prescott when his father was a bandmaster stationed at Fort Whipple.) 

Now that I've put you nearly to sleep with this historical aside let me get on to the business at hand.

And with special thanks to Laughing Lori from crosstown, who supplied me with a ton of puns this week, here's the one she said was her favorite.

Now I want all of you to have a terrific weekend, free from turmoil and tinkling with tintinnabulation.

And never forget to Always Keep Laughing!!!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(Wow, you've grown! Or is that "groan".)