So I was out in the back yard a little bit ago, watering our honeysuckle vine.
Suddenly I spied a intruder visitor.
It fluttered closer and closer and came up to about a foot from me.
Amazingly it did not then dart away.
It stayed, perhaps getting some moisture from the spray from the hose.
And then it landed on a perch, again only about a foot from me and began to preen.
Cautiously I got my phone from my pocket and turned on the camera.
And here's what I got.
You can see from my shadow in the first couple of shots how close it was to me and it showed no fear or alarm.
As it sat on the twig and continued to preen, I cautiously switched the camera to video.
Let's see how that worked.
Now I know it's Mother's Day but does this look like the face of anyone's mother . . let alone a hummingbird's?