I titled yesterday's post a brain teaser and for most of you who commented it apparently was just that.
My friend Wally, who sent the toon to me, suggested last night that perhaps a bit of a history lesson was in the works.
I agree so here it is.
October 31st is Halloween, no dispute on that.
It arose from an old Celtic celebration called Samhain, marked by the wearing of costumes and gathering around bonfires to ward off ghosts.
Later on the Roman Catholic church declared November 1st to be All Saints Day and the night before to be All Hallows Eve and later Halloween.
Now legend has it that in 1517 a monk in Wittenberg, Germany chose that evening to nail his 95 grievances with the Catholic church to the church door because he knew the church would be full of worshippers the next day.
That monk was Martin Luther and his act is seen as the opening act of Reformation, or the split between the Catholic and Protestant churches.
Hence, Martin Luther nailing his 95 Theses to a church door.
Now, speeding up the time machine radically, we come to 2021 and what do we see?
Halloween and 95 candy bags nailed (tacked) to a door behind a pumpkin adorned with the face of . . . Martin Luther!
So, 1517 Halloween, Martin Luther and his 95 Theses.
2021 Halloween, Martin Luther and his 95 Reeses.
It's a pun, folks, a visual pun.
And with that, let us put it to rest and take a look at some autumnal foliage around my town.