Why? you ask.
Why because it's time for the Friday Funnies.
Play on!
Now why, you might wonder, would this guy do such a dumb thing.
Maybe, just maybe, he's practicing to be a pirate!
Have I ever mentioned that I love puns?
And also malapropisms, like this one.
But, to get to the meat of the matter . . .
"Fido steaks his claim!"
Okay, that's enough.
It's a beautiful day here in Arizona.
I hope it's equally pleasant where you live or, if not, that you have a warm fire to snuggle up to.
What's that? You don't have a fireplace?
Hmmm, can't help you there except to say have a felicitous weekend, full of fun and frolic, Gentle Readers, and keep on smiling.
Here, kitty-kitty.