Well, now, I betcha thought I'd never get here.
It's my memory.
Well, now, I betcha thought I'd never get here.
It's my memory.
A big plump robin happened by the other day and decided our bird bath was just what he needed.
I did a load of laundry the other day which included my favorite pair of blue jeans.
When I pulled them out of the dryer I found for the first time the ravages of them having been worn every day for weeks.
The Donald Trump presidential campaign is coming to the Prescott airport for a noon-time rally today.
That's only a few miles from where I'm sitting and nearly abutting where the BRD lives.
It's also in a county that is overwhelmingly Republican.
Which makes me wonder why, with only 15 days left before the election, he's spending the time in a place that he is certain to win.
But there's a lot I don't understand.
Meantime, at the Blue Bird Bath . . .
(yawn) (ho-hum) Bet you thought I'd never get here, didn't you?
Well, some days just start later than others.
Especially when the nights are cooler and the bed is warm and . . .
Oh, never mind all that, let's get started.