Monday, October 24, 2022


 My cousin, Bonnie, called this morning to let me know that her mother had passed away peacefully in her sleep.

Almost 8 months ago, my Aunt Lil had celebrated her 100th birthday.

She had a long life in Montana and she raised some great "kids".

Nine years ago she and some of those offspring surprised me with a visit here in Arizona.

This is a picture taken on that day when Lil was merely 91.

She was always fun.

R.I.P. Lillian Mantei Hylland.

Friday, October 21, 2022


 Yes, I know what you're going to say.

"He's rushing things, isn't he?"

And I know, Halloween is more than a week away.

But what can I say?

My Comedy Corps has been sending me follies full of witches and goblins and black cats and I just have to share them with you.

So try not to get too gobsmacked by all of these hobgoblins and just enjoy the humor of the season.

Oh, c'mon, I knew you'd like that one.

By the way you may have noticed that I didn't post yesterday.

Nothing about picture hanging or plumbing or getting settled in our new home.

Just nothing.

That's because yesterday was International Sloth Day!

You could Google it!

As for today, let's go get 'em.

Eat well, drink well, play well and have an absolutely wonderful weekend.

Avoid pumpkin spice anything, if you can, and always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Wednesday, October 19, 2022



All of the plumbing was done yesterday.

Today my buddha collection was hung in a proper place.

It was hung before but it wasn't level and it was too close to the bookcase.

This is better.

Monday, October 17, 2022


 Slowly our house is becoming a home.

We hung some artwork yesterday.

The pastel of my uncle, Zenas Howland Taylor, was done when he was a young accountant in San Francisco in 1930.

It's hard for me to believe that the picture of him is more than 90 years old.

It's been in our family for many decades and I've always loved it.

He's now keeping my new blog header of Blackwell company.

Meanwhile the kitchen got several pieces hung yesterday.

And a couple of our larger pieces have finally found their places in the living room.

I say "finally" because at first they were reversed and, dang, those framed pieces are heavy.

Meantime, some other works are on and against the couch for now while they find their proper places.

It is said that a house is not a home.

We feel a house is not a home until the artwork finds it's proper place.

And Judy has always said it's not right until the books have come out of their boxes and been placed on their shelves.

It's feeling more and more like home.

Saturday, October 15, 2022


One of my faithful contributors to the Humor Bank sent me this photo last night with a note: Blackwell would be proud.

For those of you who don't know, Blackwell was my beloved and departed black cat whose photo is on the upper right of this blog.

Friday, October 14, 2022



The end of another week is in sight!

They're getting easier here as we adjust more and more to our new home.

So that makes it easier to move right on into the business at hand: COMEDY!

With that culinary note, I shall take my leave.

And leave.

Amongst the leaves.

Oh, stop me, please!

Have yourselves a wonderful weekend and always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Tuesday, October 11, 2022


 In any good (?) marriage, there is a struggle between the masculine and the feminine participants.

The character traits of the two protagonists rise to the surface during prolonged activities such as joint projects or moving.

In our marriage I call it a battle between Wisdomatics and Brute Stupidity.

As I have aged I have learned that Wisdomatics must prevail.

In fact Wisdomatics SHOULD prevail and Brute Stupidity must and should take a back seat.

And Brute Stupidity DOES take a back seat, whether by one's own realization that Wisdomatics position is the correct one or by virtue of Raised Voices from said Wisdomatic.

So, except for one slight error way, way back in the mists of time by a Wisdomatic with an attributed name of Eve, the distaff side of a couple is (almost) always right, should be listened to with Humble-icity, with Acceptance-icity and with, above all, Obedience-icity.

No matter how strange it looks, Wisdomatics' way is the right way.

Or, at least the way it eventually will be done.

Men of the world, aka Practitioners of Brute Stupidity, hear my words.

Or more importantly, those of your very own Wisdomatic.

Your life will be much more pleasant.