Our cat, Sweetie-Pie, does this.
She'll sit and stare into SWMBO's face for a very long time.
Finally, the lady will give up and feed her.
Our spoiled little b . . . lovely sweet cat will only eat seafood Shreds out of cans most of the time.
SWMBO has learned that if she ignores the cat pleas for long enough, S.P. will take a rare bite or two of dry food that is always there at her dining spot.
When either one of us goes into the kitchen for whatever reason, S.P. follows joyously, sure that she is going to be fed.
And she has an irritating habit of waking Judy at 4 o'clock in the morning, demanding her huge breakfast.
Judy has taken to ignoring her and I have taken to rising between 5:30 and 6:00 a.m. to feed her and allow the mistress a few more minutes of uninterrupted sleep.
I've usually had enough sleep by that time anyway and it's time to start my day.
So I don't mind.
Sweetie-Pie jumped up on my bed and woke me at 3:30 THIS MORNING!
I ignored her until she came back around 4 and tried again.
This time I reached out, put my hand on her back and held her down.
She apparently took the hint and went to sleep.
But finally, responding to demands voiced in her quiet but insistent murmurs, I rose a little before 6 and fed her.
Once satisfying her ravenous appetite, she goes back into SWMBO's room and curls up for a nap on the foot of her bed.
I would swear that I've read that cats can sleep 18 to 20 hours out of every 24.
Apparently Sweetie-Pie never got that message.