The subject line on this post may be a bit confusing but it will be clear eventually.
I took Judy to her appointment at the orthopaedic office yesterday for her zipper removal.
But first, I was wondering why there's an a in that word above: orthopaedic.
I mean it's pronounced "or-tho-pee-dic".
No "a" sound there.
So, as any modern day inquisitor does, I consulted the All-Knowing Google.
And I learned that the word was coined by a French physician in the 17th century and that it comes from the Greek language.
Nowadays, it is the accepted spelling by the British and by academics but we good old Americans sometimes drop the "a".
Well, regardless, getting back to that zipper.
It's a fairly new device that closes a wound without stitches or staples.
It looks kind of like this:
It supposedly results in less pain and less scarring.
Anyway one of the medical staff just peeled it off and Judy said it went easy and without pain.
Just to clarify, that's not Judy's leg.
Knowing her modesty I did not even suggest photographing hers.
But progress is being made - her surgery to replace her knee joint was only just over two weeks ago.
She said she still has pain, mainly when the torturers running her physical therapy give her tricks to do, but she's given into the maxim: pain is part of the healing process.
So, I've been doing much more kitchen duty than in days gone by and yesterday was a milestone for me.
I made an Italian-ish ground beef pasta bake without using a recipe!
Penne pasta, ground beef, a jar of marinara sauce, onions, peppers, garlic, mozzarella and parmesan cheese, Italian spice blend, salt and pepper.
Judy fixed a simple salad and prepared some garlic bread.
Add a glass of red wine and we ate like royalty.
And right now Judy is making her famous beef stew to go in the slow cooker and a pumpkin pie for our Thanksgiving feast tomorrow.
So that's about all I've got for today.
Our high temperature for the big day tomorrow is forecast to not reach 60 degrees.
Nice crisp autumn weather.
I hope you all (who celebrate it) have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Oh, look who's here, kitty-kitty with a parting bit of advice.