Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The ramp is done!
So, SWMBO and I groaned and strained and finally finished treating it yesterday with something that makes it look a little bit like redwood.
By the way, if you click on that second photo to expand it, you'll see how nice the "redwood" ramp plays off my coveted bright orange screen door!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Around the neighborhood
The next time I tried to shap the shutter, the camera told me the battery was too low.
So ended my photographic adventure with the fair, though I did walk through, sampled a Santa Barbara wine, watched a mime (VERY briefly), and headed for home.
Today, SWMBO decided we should go up to the top of Mingus Mountain for a picnic. Nice views from up there.
The actual mountaintop is electronic with television towers every few feet.
So ends my adventurous weekend.
As usual, all of the photos are more impressive if you click on them for the larger shot.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Growth is a good thing!
Sam's Club and the Cracker Barrel restaurant are not far behind.
Prescott Valley is growing!
Monday, September 8, 2008
McCain & Palin
She would open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in a heartbeat --- something Mr. McCain continues to oppose. She has sued the Bush administration for declaring the polar bear a threatened species, fearing it would interfere with oil exploration in Alaskan waters. She has questioned whether humans are responsible for climate change. Governor Palin's views are alarmingly out of touch with reality. No less alarming was Mr. McCain's decision to welcome them into his campaign.
We must be very, very careful in the voting booths eight weeks from tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The Eagleton effect
So, now we have Sarah Palin named by John McCain as his choice for the v.p. nomination and the media is going crazy as revelation after revelation comes out. Rather than detailing them all here, I urge you to go to the Colonel's blog and read his multiple postings on the subject.
So...is Governor Palin this year's Eagleton? Will she survive? It's not looking good for her at present but John McCain is a stubborn man. At any rate, for this blogger, politics has become fun again.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
American Politics
But what now? Not only has the attention to Palin been taken away by the oncoming Hurricane Gustav but the Republican Convention is in turmoil, with McCain on t.v. today telling his folks to "take off their Republican hats and put on your American hats." (He had barely finished speaking when I received a telephone call from a friend who asked "What is McCain doing? He was talking like he already has been elected and is running the country!") Gustav has also caused the cancellation of speeches by Bush and Cheney to the convention and apparently shortened the convention itself.
Earlier today, the BRD called to say "Remember how the Republicans were praying for a thunderstorm to wash out Obama's speech the last night of the Democrat convention? Now look what's happening to their convention! They should be careful what they pray for!"
I was tempted to call her back later and sing "Obama will win now . . . with God on his side!"
Meanwhile, back to Palin. I have several friends who live and formerly lived in Juneau, Alaska. While one says she is smart, tough and dedicated to her family, others deride the choice of a woman with so little experience being a heartbeat from the presidency. Particularly with a 72 year old president with health problems.
She also believes in:
- Teaching intelligent design alongside evolution in the schools.
- Drilling for oil in the ANWR area of Alaska.
- Global warming is NOT human-caused.
- Women should not have the right to decide for themselves whether to end a pregnancy.
- The war in Iraq is a good thing.
She also refuses to live in the governor's mansion in Juneau, preferring instead to remain in her home in Wasilla, a long air flight away. And, despite campaign promises to the contrary, would like the state capitol moved from Juneau to Anchorage.
I'm sorry, folks, this woman is not playing with a full deck, no matter how many fish she catches and how many moose-burgers she consumes.