Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Okay, you can ring those bells - Spring has officially sprung.
As you may be able to tell it arrived with a pre-April shower here in paradise.
But at least now I can stop harping on the subject and lean back and enjoy it.
Judy saw a mockingbird yesterday and I saw a robin soon after.
'Twon't be long now.
Sunday, March 19, 2023
Just to inform those of you who might have been worried about the apparent lack of reports from our kitchen, the Taylor Family Bakery was in full production mode today.
Saturday, March 18, 2023
After a terrifically hard rain a couple of nights ago, yesterday was sunny and bright as the mercury soared into the middle 50's here in la-la-land.
I came out of my cave in mid-afternoon to find SWMBO had repaired to the side patio to sweep and to put a few things in order amongst the mess.
As I opened the slider door she greeted me with "I think it's warm enough to have our cocktails out here."
It's usually me who rushes to open the bar so it caught me by surprise when she beat me to it.
"What would you like?", I asked.
"Whiskey", said she.
Not "Red-Eye" but close enough.
So I hastened to pour before she changed her mind and soon we were ensconced in our chairs in the sunlight rejoicing that we could stand the weather for our traditional toddies outdoors.
Actually in the direct sunshine it was quite comfortable.
And the Monja and the Blue Cat were waiting expectantly for us to get the darned birdbath up and provide them with some entertainment.
Friday, March 17, 2023
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
There. I've gotten that out of the way.
Since I found out that my ancestry is not from Dublin but that it's mostly Norwegian, I don't have to celebrate this holiday any more.
Well, of course, there is that.
But seriously (heh-heh), what I do have to celebrate is Friday with a random selection of humor.
And just for you wearers of the green, I'll give you a couple of Irish flavored ho-ho's.
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
It's a miserable, dark, rainy, cold day here on this middle of March.
And on this 15th of March, known as the Ides of March, one can't help but think of a man who legendarily lost his life on this day.
Julius Caesar was never an emperor but he was named the sole dictator of Rome in 46 B.C.E.
He only held the title for two years until his assassination on this day in 44 B.C.E.
He had a meeting with the Senators scheduled on that day and he went in spite of the pleas of his wife because of a prophecy by a seer, who claimed he would not live past the Ides.
In the end the prophecy came true as Caesar was stabbed 23 times by many of the Senators.
Later two of the assassins, Cassius and Brutus both committed suicide.
And to this day, thanks to William Shakespeare, we still have the expression, "Beware the Ides of March".