Now that we've all conquered that Pepperoni Pizza Bake from earlier in the week we can get down to things more serious.
Maybe I should say we can seriously get down to things more humorous.
Of course by the end of this post some of you may by in high dudgeon.
Let's see, shall we?
Or . . .
I think SWMBO wrote that one!
But I know how to get her back, said the Merry Punner!
So, fellow pun-lovers and pun-haters, that is the sum total of my humorous outlay for this week.
Now save up a couple of those for your weekend dinner party and see if the groans and sneers don't make your day.
At any rate, have a grate one . . oops, of course I meant a great one!
And always remember to keep laughing!
Here, kitty-kitty . . .
( . . . ah, I'll bet you know which one is mine, don't you . . . )