Wednesday, May 27, 2020


SWMBO has been self quarantined here at home since the middle of March, only going out for a visit with her eye doctor and once for a drive to Sedona with me.

I've been out a little more than that but still we've both been cooped up at home for more than two months now and the boredom gets heavy after awhile.

So yesterday we decided to go out for a picnic but Judy said she would like to ride around and see how the world is handling this pandemic.

And she had mentioned wishing she could go somewhere where she could see some water.

So your faithful Catalyst invented the Three Lakes Tour.

First we stopped briefly at Watson Lake.

Lots of kayakers at the boat launching site.

Next stop, the nearby Willow Lake.

A long dock allows a walk out over the lake if one so chooses.

We didn't though Judy enjoyed watching some ducks in the water.

Then, a drive through Prescott, past the BRD's old house, which had a car sitting in front of it with words painted on the windows: "You did it! 2020 PHS Graduate!"

Graduation was virtual here, as across the country, though there was a parade of capped and gowned graduates in their own cars through downtown recently.

We drove through downtown yesterday and saw business mostly returning though in a different fashion than in "the good old days" before Covid-19.

Finally we arrived at our picnic destination, Lynx Lake.

But it was crowded, though people were maintaining some social distance.

We spotted something we had never seen before.

Two women came kayaking in but they were accompanied by two dogs paddling along beside them . . both seeming to be wearing life jackets!

I took a couple of pictures and researched it on line and was informed by one of my blog readers that they were, indeed, life jackets designed just for dogs.

These two canines seemed delighted to have them.

Even at our advanced years we find we can still learn something every day.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Don't panic.

It's just the scientific name for animals.

It's been calving season down in the Savannah (flood plain).

Quite a few new additions to the local herd, including this strange combination.

These two adults aren't really trying to take down that power pole.

They were just locking horns briefly over some point of contention.

The critter in the center of this photo seemed a bit suspicious of me and my camera.

But I was not about to argue with that hefty side of beef and it soon resumed its casual stroll.

So goes life down at the end of my street.

Now for a real treat you have to take a look at an amazing video on Robin and Roger's blog here.

Monday, May 25, 2020


Remembering those who didn't come home.

Sunday, May 24, 2020


The great philosopher Groucho Marx once said: "If a black cat crosses your path, it signifies that the animal is going somewhere."

So much for superstition.

A black cat who frequents our neighborhood sometimes stops off for a drink in our back yard.

Some times he curls up close to the slider door for awhile and if I approach from the other side of it he just glares at me.

If I open the door he skitters off, not tame enough to allow me to make contact with him.

Our fire captain neighbor says he's a troublemaker and bullies the other cats in the area.

At any rate he visited the cat pub the other day and then went up the wall and disappeared into another yard.

I was just able to catch one quick shot of him.

If you have a black cat in your neighborhood, just remember the words of Groucho.

We've had a couple (Primo and Blackwell) for pets in days gone by and they were good members of our family.

Saturday, May 23, 2020


You Faithful and Gentle Readers may wonder why I call that thing in our back yard a birdbath if birds just fly in and drink out of it.

Why don't I call it a bird fountain or something.

It's because sometimes birds actually use it for their Saturday bath.

For example.

And, in case you couldn't identify that splasher, it's a red breasted Robin.

Friday, May 22, 2020


Well, hello again!

This Friday do I have a treat for you.


Now what are you going to do with all that time off?

You might go to the ocean.

Or you might spend more time with your dog.

Whatever you do, enjoy yourselves.

All right, then, you have your marching orders.

Whether it's the beach or the mountains or just the television set or the book or the backyard grill at your home, have a very, very good weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


Today's post is dedicated to one of the Humor Bank's more prolific contributors, Wacky Wally.

No, that's not him.

This is:

He said that's how he looks fresh from a shower and shampoo.

In fairness to him, he does really clean up pretty good.

And he is wearing an Arizona Diamondbacks shirt.

But the beard won't last.

He's promised to shave before he holds his great-granddaughter for the first time and that happens this weekend.

Thanks for the fun, Wally, and a great Corona-19 quarantine beard.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Saturday, May 16, 2020


Late this morning it was about 79 degrees with little to no breeze outside.


Just right for a late breakfast bowl of cereal al fresco on the patio.

Friday, May 15, 2020


Greetings, Gentle Readers.

Here we are again, searching for humor in a world gone mad.

Fortunately your Catalyst has an ever growing number of fine-spirited contributors to the Comics Bank so we can continue to bring you these weekly frolics in frivolity.

Shall we begin?

Awww, you know you laughed.

Now for the weekend: I'd love for you to languish languorously on your loveseat, languidly leering and limning your life as you look for your lagniappe.

Like it?

Have a great weekend (yes, it is still a weekend) and always remember to keep laughing.

Puns, you say?

We'll leave it to the final speaker.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Thursday, May 14, 2020

ThrowBack Thursday

Just 5 years ago The Terrific Four T's gathered together to celebrate my 75th birthday.

Timmer, Taylor, Tom, and Torbs

With a group name like that, we should go out on a World Tour once this pandemic is tamed down.