Friday, January 28, 2022


 Curiously, just this morning I received an email from LL, aka Cross Town Lori, containing a batch of puns.

I say curiously because just last night I had decided that today's edition of the Comedy Cavalcade would be all puns.

So, with a special dedication to Lori, and apologies to all the pun-haters out there (SWMBO included), here we go!

This first one is actually just for Lori's husband, who happens to be named Rick.

So is that enough for you?

Here in Groanland, the applause is deafening.

Or is that deaf to me.

Well that's my destiny.

I know what you're saying: Stop! Stop! Stop!

So I'll pull out all stops to wish you a very organ-ic weekend full of total enjoyment, fun and frolic.

And never forget: Always Keep Laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .