Tuesday, August 22, 2023


 Having read all of your comments on yesterday's post, I decided to read them to Sweety-Pie and see if she would change her attitude and/or habits.

Here was her reaction.

"Did I give you permission to talk about me in your stupid blog?


Did I?"

As you can undoubtedly tell, neither my nor your comments had a tad of effect on her.

So we shall live with what, as YP noted, we have created.

Coincidentally, I received the following photo from one of our grandchildren this morning.

The latest addition to (as I unfeelingly call it) her menagerie or zoo.

She and her hubby share their abode with several dogs and a pot-bellied pig.

And now a cat.

There may be others of which I am presently unaware.

As the BAD says, "Christy is a pet-whisperer."