Thursday, December 15, 2022


 'tis the season to be jolly!

And to eat and drink like folly.

You may have noticed an upsurge in posts here about Christmas goodies.

It's a season, possibly starting with Thanksgiving and running until after the New Year has been drunk rung in.

Everywhere there are talk and photos and t.v. programs about food and drink of the most extravagant kind.

It may be my favorite time of the year!

So I am indebted to the Mirthful Monk today for providing me with a perfect meme for the occasion.

Enjoy yourselves, everyone, for who knows what the morrow shall bring!

Wednesday, December 14, 2022


 Whenever I post something about our cooler weather or snow I get the same reaction from folks far and wide along the lines of "I didn't know it ever snowed in Arizona" or "I thought Arizona was hot and dry".

Today I'm offering a short educational post.

Most people who've never been here or have only been to places like Phoenix or Tucson in the summertime have only one impression of the climate here.

It's true.

Much of the southern part of the state is in the Great Sonoran Desert where the mighty Saguaro Cactus thrives.

But as the tv commercials yell "But wait! There's more!"

In northeastern Arizona, one finds Monument Valley as the Hollywood director John Huston did a few years ago.

He used that scenic wonderland to make Western movies that turned John Wayne into a movie star.

Also near that part of the state is a big hole in the ground which gave my state it's nickname: the Grand Canyon State.

But I know you've all seen pictures of it so I won't bother to show it to you again.

Oh, oops, I guess I couldn't sneak that omission by the Canyon's press agent.

But now let me show you some other aspects of Arizona which are NOT copper-colored.

For example the Mogollon Rim, which covers many miles across the mid-section of the state.

See all those green trees?

Over to the east from there, near the border with New Mexico, are the White Mountains, a cool vacationland for Phoenix residents seeking to escape the summer heat and maybe do a little fly fishing.

There's a town over there called Snowflake.

And speaking of snow let me take you to the Flagstaff area and the San Francisco Peaks and Mount Humphreys, which tops out at nearly 13,000 feet.

So you see?

There's a wide diversity in Arizona.

Of terrain, of flora and fauna, and of climate.

I'm not getting paid for this but I'd recommend a subscription to Arizona Highways magazine if you'd like to see and learn more about my adopted state.

Actually I've lived here more than half of my life and that's a lot of years.

And hot or cold, I still love it here.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022


 Surprise!  We got more snow during the night.

And for those of you wondering what I was going to make with the puff pastry I finally acquired, here's the first project.

The fancy title is from the French (of course),  Raspberry Pain au Chocolat.

The English translation makes them Raspberry Chocolate Croissants.

I prefer to call mine Puff Pastry Logs with a little Raspberry and Chocolate Hazelnut (Nutella).

I had trouble rolling out the puff pastry, with adding the paltry amount of filling, with marking the sealed edges and with cutting slits in the top of each piece.

But they baked well and I figured out a way to sprinkle them with powdered sugar without it getting all over the counter, the floor and me.

And when I got the rare bite with some of the previously mentioned paltry filling, they weren't bad.

Living and learning, here at the Taylor Family (experimental) Bakery.

Monday, December 12, 2022


 As usual, the Weather Gods were trying to put The Fear into us about a huge winter storm heading our way.

It had already dumped a bunch of snow on the Sierras in northern California and supposedly was bearing down on us here in normally balmy Arizona.

(BTW, by "balmy", I'm talkin' about the weather, not our political climate.)

So Flagstaff, to the north of us, got about 6 inches and here in Prescott Valley we got maybe an inch or so.

Hardly a snowcopalypse but enough to make for some nice photos.

Sunday, December 11, 2022


 The Taylor Family Bakery was humming again today but with a difference.

The Master was back.

The Holiday Season that comes around toward the end of the year seems to bring out the Gingerbread Lady complex in my mate.

And today she was knee arm deep in cookie dough.


Drop Sugar Cookies. WITH SPRINKLES!

And she didn't drop a one, except the one she dropped in my puppy-dog-expectant outstretched hand.

But that's not all.

She also made a batch of her famous Five C. cookies.

Now if you're familiar with Arizona I know you're thinking "Hmmm, 5 C's? That must be copper, cattle, cotton, citrus and climate."

But no!

These five c's stand for Chewy Chocolate Chip Cranberry Cookies!

Stop yelling at me, I didn't name them.

And they're delicious and addictive.

Just to let you know that I'm still in the game, once SWMBO left the kitchen, I moved in and produced a couple of loaves of her favorite English muffin bread, which she had told me she was nearly out of.

And tomorrow?

Ah, tomorrow is another day, my friends.

What's cooking baking at your house?

Saturday, December 10, 2022


 I know, I know.

Some people just go way over the top with their Christmas decorations.

And that picture in my header isn't even the most over-decorated house one can find.

But surprisingly to me, SWMBO got the Christmas decorating impulse earlier than ever this year and our minimal decorations are already up.

And we added a few things this year, including colored lights around the outside of the front window.

Like some of our neighbors, I've left them on all night for the past couple of nights but I'm thinking I'll cut down on that.

Let Santa find his own way.

But I could have used his hyper-knowledge recently.

I have found an interesting hobby in my declining and reclining years: baking!

And I recently discovered the wonders of using frozen, ready-to-bake puff pastry sheets.

I used up the supply in our freezer but I was ready for more so I ordered some from our big superstore a mile or so away.

Alas when I picked up the groceries, the puff pastry dough was not included.

They were out of it!


A couple of days later I went to another branch of that store, an even bigger one, and they didn't have it either!

It occurred to me that I could try some other recipes for Christmas goodies that didn't rely on puff pastry.

Or I could make some myself at home from scratch.

SWMBO nervously suggested that task might be above my pay grade.

She asked me about my search for the store-bought product and then told me I'd been looking in the wrong place.

"Not in the cold counters," she said, "in the frozen food cases!"

"Oh", said I.

This morning I went to yet another store and searched the "right" area.

I found the correct shelf, with a label marked "puff pastry" but there was still nothing to be found.

I was getting a little tense but, like a dog gnawing on a bone, I was not to be deterred.

I continued on to yet a fourth store, this one a bit smaller and closer than all the others to our new abode, but they had recently completed a remodeling and were urging customers to try them out.

So I went there and SHAZAM!

A counter showed me a plethora of boxes of the long-sought product.

Two boxes came home with me.

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

But now I'm too tired to bake anything.

Friday, December 9, 2022


 "Jingle Bells"

There's a marvelous one-man video called Tru about the late Truman Capote home alone at the Christmas season when most of his friends had left him after he insulted them in some tell-all writing.

Whenever his telephone would ring, that's how he would answer it: "Jingle Bells".

Well, maybe you woulda had to be there but I thought it was funny.

Speaking of funny . . .

All right, already.

Don't think about it so hard, it'll come to you.

In the meantime, try your darned-est to have a special holiday weekend.

In between the Christmas card writing, the treacly holiday movies, the cookie-baking, and the gift wrapping, that is.

But always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(. . . oh, I knew it . . .)

Thursday, December 8, 2022


 In my self-designated role as the Reminder of Important Events, I feel compelled to let you all know that today is a Very Important Holiday.

In the interests of good governance, I'd be happy to provide my mailing address to anyone who feels compelled to properly celebrate this special day.  (Just kidding)

I just had a meal planning conversation with Her Majesty.

I bought a few avocadoes the other day and they've about ripened to the point of eating them today.

(Para hoy, as the expression goes in Mexico.)

She suggested she might make BLTA (bacon, lettuce, tomato, avocado) sandwiches.

I had earlier said I might make tacos.

She asked me if she should make the BLTA's today and I could make the tacos tomorrow or the other way around.

I said BLTA's today and, since tomorrow is Friday, I'd do our traditional Friday pizza then and tacos on Tuesday.

(y'know, Taco Tuesday.)

She scoffed at that so we'll see how things develop.

Life is so difficult.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022


 First of all, let me take care of a little blogging business.

I have been remiss in posting comments on my last two or three blog posts.

That has now been corrected so you can go back to The Friday Funnies, Wet & Foggy, and Road Trip and see that your comments are finally there.

I have comment moderation set up and Blogger is supposed to email me whenever a new comment is posted so I can okay it.

Somehow my email address was removed from "the system" and I didn't discover it until this morning.

Hopefully it won't happen again.

Now on a much more serious note, today is Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.

On December 7th, 1941 . . 81 years ago . . Japan attacked the U.S. fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, in a surprise raid that inflicted monumental damage.

The U.S.S. Arizona suffered a direct hit and sank on the spot, taking with it the lives of over 11 hundred servicemen.

It became their final resting place and a Pearl Harbor visitation center was later built over what remained.

December 7th is "...a date that will live in infamy...", in the words of then President Franklin D. Roosevelt as he called for U.S. entry into World War Two.

It's a day for memories and introspection.

And for peace.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022


 The BRD sent a couple of photos from a road trip she and a friend are taking to New Mexico.

She said the Margaritas at Flora in Santa Fe are tasty.

And the food was great too!

I can remember her as a teenager many a few years ago.

Like her mother, she just gets more beautiful every day.

Sunday, December 4, 2022


 With a weather front that moved in overnight, Sunday dawned unusually wet, gray and foggy in my town.

Friday, December 2, 2022


 It's finally (or too soon?) December.

So y'all can officially start decorating your homes for Christmas, if you do such a thing.

SWMBO (alias the Grinch) doesn't put out decorations until around the middle of the month and gets rid of 'em a week or so after the holiday.

Still, she came home from the store with some miniature colored lights yesterday.

Why is everything in this house a miniature size, I wonder?

Except us.

But never mind that.

Let's see what other folk are doing.

Okay, you've had your fun for the week, now get back to work on your decorating.

And in spite of what angst that may conjure up, try to have yourselves a wonderful weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .
