Sunday, December 20, 2015


It occurred between 6 and 7 this morning.

A sudden snowfall that moved quickly through our area.

As regular readers of this blog know, there is a town down there. But it's obscured in a strange weather phenomenom called snow fog this morning.

Judging from my look-see around the neighborhood I don't think I'll need to use the garden hose for awhile.

This snowfall appears to be a very wet one, piling up on shrubs and bushes.

The Russian Rocketman Sage is covered nicely.

The white sun face appears to be enjoying it. I'm not sure about the other fellow.

Since we don't have a fireplace with a tall chimney on our house, Santa will just have to walk through the snow to the back door I guess.

Saturday, December 19, 2015


Muggles, our older but smaller female house cat.

SWMBO and I were watching the television news last night and I glanced over at our two cats sleeping on the other end of the couch.

"They are the laziest cats in existence," I said.

SWMBO replied "that's what cats do. They sleep."

I knew that but I went to the Mighty Google this morning to do a little research.

I learned that the sleeping habit comes from feral cats who have to hunt for their food.

That takes a lot of energy so they compensate for it by sleeping.

But Muggles and Blackwell are house cats. They don't go outside. And they certainly don't have to hunt for their food.

The MG told me the near-constant sleeping is something that has been passed along nevertheless.

And most of the time they aren't deeply asleep.

They're alert and the first indication of danger brings them instantly and fully awake.

But still.

The MG said adult housecats sleep 16 to 20 hours a day. 

And the older the cat is, the more it sleeps.

On another note, take a look at Muggles' tail.

I swear she has the longest tail of any housecat in existence.

Guess I'll have to go back to the MG to find out why.

Friday, December 18, 2015


It's that time of year again, Gentle Readers.

Yes, it's the season of . . . . Star Wars, yet again.

Actually I think I saw the first one but I've missed the other six.

But there's another season rolling around, too.

Only one week to go. Got to get busy on those Christmas cards.

By the way, if you're in a part of the country (like I am) where the weather has turned cold, ponder this: the beginning of winter is still three days away.

That's all, folks.

Well, except for the obligatory kitty picture.

This week, a quartet just trying to stay warm.

Have a splendid weekend, friends.  

Only 7 more shopping days until Christmas.

And always try to keep laughing.

Thursday, December 17, 2015


I've been a baseball fan for as long as I can remember.

It started with my love for the Brooklyn Dodgers back in the 1940's.

Then after the team moved to Los Angeles, it was the Los Angeles Dodgers.

This, I might point out, was before the Arizona Diamondbacks came into existence.

I continued to follow the Dodgers even after we moved south of the border to Mexico.

I was able to follow the team there on television and a bookstore in Guadalajara even sold the Los Angeles Times.

So in 1988 when the team won the World Series I was following every play while wearing my Dodgers tee shirt.

And I sent this picture back to my friends in Phoenix who were supporting different teams.

That is the face of a happy baseball fan.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


We have the house decorated for Christmas.


The front door, anyway.

The BRD presented the wreath to us when she came over for Thanksgiving.

Fortunately there was a nail in the front door.




How's that for the old holiday spirit?

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


As goofy as this picture is, on a day when the temperature here in Arizona is hovering at 19 degrees F. as I'm writing this . . . it feels good to look back to a time when I was in a t-shirt and shorts at an outside restaurant table in Puerto Vallarta.

And that bearded gent in the blue shirt in the background?

That's Baseball Steve, come down to pay me a visit.

Viva Mexico!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Winter Wonderland

The snow got a little lower during the night.

This is what I awoke to.

I took the picture through my den window and the glass reflected my lamp a bit.

Meanwhile, in front.

It's early but the dog-walkers and the car drivers have already been out messing with the street snowscape.

I love this view with the early morning sun casting a pinkish, orange-ish glow over the town.

Meantime, the Weather Gods say the temperature will only rise to 36 degrees here today.

In Arizona?

They've got to be kidding!