No, we don't look like that anymore but the feeling of glee is nearly as good as a fresh bottle of wine brings.
In short, we apparently have recovered from the second dose of Moderna vaccine with minimal side effects.
After struggling through an upsurge in painful neuropathy and/or arthritis in my feet yesterday I woke at 4:30 this morning feeling great and pain-free.
(I know.
You're thinking 4:30?!
Hey, I'm sorry but I'm older than you and it's usually lights out at around 9 p.m. and up by 6 a.m.)
But to get back to the subject at hand, I show no side effects from the vaccine today and when I asked Judy how she felt and if her arm was still sore she said "no".
So apparently the much-ballyhooed side effects barely touched us, unlike some of you, and we're now fully vaccinated and back to normal.
Well, in a couple of weeks and still wearing our masks and social distancing in public.
Stay well, my friends.