Tuesday, March 9, 2021



No, we don't look like that anymore but the feeling of glee is nearly as good as a fresh bottle of wine brings.

In short, we apparently have recovered from the second dose of Moderna vaccine with minimal side effects.

After struggling through an upsurge in painful neuropathy and/or arthritis in my feet yesterday I woke at 4:30 this morning feeling great and pain-free.

(I know.

You're thinking 4:30?!

Hey, I'm sorry but I'm older than you and it's usually lights out at around 9 p.m. and up by 6 a.m.)

But to get back to the subject at hand, I show no side effects from the vaccine today and when I asked Judy how she felt and if her arm was still sore she said "no".

So apparently the much-ballyhooed side effects barely touched us, unlike some of you, and we're now fully vaccinated and back to normal.

Well, in a couple of weeks and still wearing our masks and social distancing in public.

Stay well, my friends.

Monday, March 8, 2021



I had a lousy night and I don't know whether it's due to the second Covid vaccine I got yesterday or not.

But my neuropathy in my feet (nerve pain) was going wild and it seemed like I was awake most of the night.

This morning I have just the tiniest soreness in the arm that took the abuse.

Judy said hers was pretty sore.

I would say that this isn't bad if that's all the reaction we get.

BUT, a couple of my correspondents have told me their most severe reaction didn't begin until the second day after the shot.

So I'm holding off on a report and keeping my eye on the Tylenol bottle.

To be continued.

Sunday, March 7, 2021



Judy and I will get our second shots of the Moderna vaccine for Covid today.

I've been hearing a lot from friends about the side effects they've been having.

As far as I can tell, there is no rhyme or reason for them.

Some people have chills, some have fevers, some people are fatigued and sleep a lot, some have just a slight soreness in their arms and some have no reactions at all.

(I'm counting on being in that last group.)

But mostly the effects seem to last only a few days at the most.

And as one of my correspondents put it, better to be sick for a day or two than to get the virus.

So we will march in like good soldiers and hope for the best.

Judy has a reward for us.

We're going directly from the shot-shooting arena to pick up a take-out dinner from a Chinese restaurant!

Saturday, March 6, 2021



The day the rain moved on to the East.

Friday, March 5, 2021


 Like a good neighbor, Catalyst is here. 

Just when you'd about given up hope, right?

Well I wouldn't let you down.

It's Friday and I'm determined to erase that scowl on your face and replace it with a big, silly grin.

Let us begin.


I hope I've engineered a bit of distraction from your cares and worries for the end of another week.

I have high hopes that you'll all have a wonderful weekend.

And remember: always keep laughing!

Here kitty-kitty . . .

(oh, no-o-o-o-o-h)

Thursday, March 4, 2021


 Once again I turn the reins over to my spouse, Judy, aka She Who Must Be Obeyed (SWMBO).

💑 💑 💑 💑 💑 💑

Having recently been ordered by a doctor to go to a gluten-free diet, I needed a new kind of cookie.

I searched the Internet for options and landed on a Martha Stewart recipe for "Oatmeal Cookies".

First you use the blender to pulverize some rolled oats to make oat flour.


Then you follow very ordinary directions for the rest of the recipe.

"Place two-Tablespoon mounds onto parchment-lined baking sheets."

Now if you think Martha is a kitchen goddess you better not read any further.

In the oven the "mounds" flattened and spread until some of the cookies joined each other on the sheet pan.

They looked like brown lace when finished.

Not at all like Martha's neat little bundles.

After handling these I decided they needed something to hold them together.

"Tomorrow is another day."

So the remaining dough went into the fridge for a rest --- for the baker!

The next morning I massaged 3 Tablespoons of gluten-free flour into the dough, placed the "mounds" onto the pan --- and baked them.


They are still "mounds"!

(Today's cookies on the left, yesterday's on the right)

In the "Cook's Notes" at the bottom of the recipe, Martha says ". . . these cookies are bound to be requested again and again."

I don't think so!

Tuesday, March 2, 2021


 Well, of a sort.

Today marks the 13th birthday of this blog.

I had tried blogging twice before but had given up both times.

No evidence exists of those attempts, at least as far as I know.

So Oddball Observations becomes a teenager on this day, March 2nd.

Here's the proof.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

I'm back!

Due to a vast number of (well, okay, a few) requests, I am bringing back Oddball Observations for another run at blogging. This will be the third time and I can only hope it's a charm. The next time I get bored with blogging, I will try my best not to delete my blog. I'll just put up a notice saying I'm "On Hold" until the juices start flowing again.

I think the most interesting thing from those years ago blogs was the commenters, most of whom have disappeared.

As a matter of fact, I think my pal Meggie, from down in Australia, is the only one still with me.

So, thanks Meggie, and let's see what the next act holds.