Your scribe, some time in the 1940's.
That necktie!
That collar!
That smirk!
Then . . . 70 or so years later.
Your scribe, some time in the 1940's.
That necktie!
That collar!
That smirk!
Then . . . 70 or so years later.
The plants seem to be enjoying our cooler and wetter weather of late.
The gourd vines are beginning to climb their stakes and heading for the arbor supports.
Once upon a time there was a curious black cat.
He used to show up on our back wall from time to time.
Yesterday we had a young Mountain Jay in the birdbath.
Today it was a young Robin enjoying the waters.
He's nearly submerged in this photo as he dunks his face and his body in the cooling bath.
If I had only that photo it would be hard to identify him.
But there's another where he comes up for air.
We finally got a fairly heavy rain here last night.
We were watching "The Queen" on Netflix and sometimes the crashing thunder echoed the drama on our t.v. screen.
We had opened the windows and when the movie was over and I came into my room to check my email, I found water all over my desk and keyboard.
As I was swabbing it all off Judy asked me if the keyboard was ruined.
I said "No, it was dirty and needed a washing!"
At any rate, after I got the water shaken and mopped off, it worked just fine and still is this morning.
I once had a friend who said when your keyboard gets dirty you can just run it through the dish washer.
I have yet to try that.
I just heard some squawking coming from the backyard and when I glanced up I saw this noisy guy on our birdbath.
Judging by his conduct and the amount of fluffy gray feathers I think he's a fledgling Mountain Jay.
But as has been noted by SWMBO and commenters here before, the Jays seem to know that birdbaths that match their coloration are safe harbors for them.
A couple of doves apparently have a nest under the eaves of an empty neighboring house.
They've been flying back and forth from it repeatedly this morning.
And as I was opening the blinds in the front room I saw a couple of finches playing tag out front.
It seems the birds appreciate the rainfall and cooler temperatures as much as we do.
I must have risen from the Arms of Morpheus too early.
Or too late.
I dunno but I can't think of a thing to write.
So . . .
The rains have arrived.
So far we've avoided severe storms here but there have been some which have hit the area with high winds, heavy rain and hail causing some damage.
This was the sky toward the East yesterday evening.