My wife laughs at me because I insist on stirring the drinks I make at home with what's probably now an antique swizzle stick.
I got it many years ago from a then-popular restaurant in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Trader Vic's was one of a Polynesian-themed chain that was a big hit across the country and certainly in Arizona with it's tiki-statues and it's "authentic(?)" food and drinks of the South Seas.
I loved the place.
And I've had this swizzle stick ever since, even though the restaurant closed in 1990.
It's made of plastic and I'm amazed that it's lasted all these years.
But maybe it's the Menehune.
They are a mythological group of dwarf people in Hawaiian culture that supposedly pre-date the arrival of people from Polynesia.
Well, Trader Vic (Victor Bergeron) bought into the mythology and they were featured on his menus.
AND on his swizzle sticks!
I don't know about their mystical powers but they've sure kept my swizzle stick safe all these years
Now watch.
I'll probably break it tomorrow.