Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Rain, rain, come and stay
Rain, rain, don't go away.


We had a pretty good monsoon rain today.

For about an hour or more we had rain, thunder, lightning, wind and hail.

It's late this year.

It normally arrives on July 4th.

Late it may be but after week after week of temperatures climbing into the 90's, it's certainly welcome.

On our first evening in Phoenix, back in 1972, it rained for the first time in over 100 days (I believe) and everyone in the convenience store I was patronizing ran outside to stand and get wet.

Now I understand.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Her latest creation.

Cold sliced breaded fried chicken over a spinach and strawberry salad.

Do you think she chose that red plate to highlight this dish?

A hot-dog-chef would probably say "nicely plated."

Monday, August 26, 2019


Our two birdbaths, the blue one and the metal one down below that we put there to keep the neighborhood cats from drinking out of the blue one and tipping it over, are especially popular right after we have filled them with fresh water.

Of late we have been discovered by some common sparrows.

SWMBO tells me they come in flocks.

And the little flockers dominate the baths when they arrive, whether to bathe or to drink.

I would prefer that we could have a more colorful bird but I guess the sparrows need a cooling drink or bath too.

Meantime, high in a neighboring tree, a different bird . . . a Phoebe perhaps . . . maintains a lookout.

Friday, August 23, 2019




Sorry, I was just shouting to wake you up.

Tell me, and be honest now, do you ever get tired of these weekly perambulations through Humorland?

'Cuz I could stop doing them.

But not *this* Friday.


Now you'll have that song stuck in your head all day.

But singing a happy tune could not be a better way to slide into a great weekend.

Have fun, Gentle Readers, and always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(he said, groaning in pain.)

Thursday, August 22, 2019


The sky was full of smoke from the Sheridan Fire burning in the Camp Wood area northwest of Prescott last night.

It made for an impressive sunset.

Unfortunately either my little point-and-click camera or the photographer manning it made a blurry picture.

But you get the idea.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

RE-BIRTH (sort of)

When Mother Nature performed an execution on our poor sick elm tree recently, we received a number of expressions of sorrow and condolence.

But wait!

The ever-concerned-about-beauty SWMBO came up with a solution when it became apparent that our landlord was not going to replace said tree.

She found a Fake Ficus at a thrift store and we dug a hole and planted it in the same approximate place that the elm had occupied.

It's not near as big but it does wonders for the appearance of the yard.

That's Japanese Honeysuckle in the background.

It's *not* a fake and she's trying to train it to thrive and bush out and grow to the top of the wall.  

If this blasted weather would break she may have a chance.

Meantime there's this.

We're hoping the Fake Ficus doesn't shed any more of it's leaves.