Saturday, October 19, 2019


Dogs and their owners are frequently seen at events around town.

But seldom like this.

That little fellow seemed quite safe, comfortable and accustomed to traveling in a sling.

Friday, October 18, 2019


I may not be the hilarious Randy Rainbow . . .

. . . but even I can find a lot to laugh at coming out of Washington lately.

But I shall not take cheap shots today.

For today it is time for The Friday Funnies!

So now you've had your morning chuckles AND learned how to keep those darned kids off your lawn.

With that bit of wit and whimsey, I wish you would waltz wackily along the walkway to a wonderful weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Thursday, October 17, 2019


On July 1st of 1972 Judy and I, her three offspring and two cats left Indianapolis, Indiana to move to Phoenix, Arizona.

I drove a Chevrolet van towing a 16-foot U-Haul trailer.

I was followed by son Scott and daughters Gayle and Caryn in Scott's converted 1950 Dodge school bus.

(Scott had painted all the interior metal surfaces black and white; had secured an old burgundy stage curtain discarded from some school which Judy made into coverings for his dining area benches and he'd also put some bright red flocked carpeting on the floor and up some walls.  I called it The Rolling Bordello.)

Our first stop, for a lunch break, was somewhere in Illinois.

We were younger and thinner and had more hair back then and it wasn't gray.

We camped out on that trek, Judy and I sleeping in a tent; the kids occupying the bus.

Everywhere we stopped, rain fell.

The locals told us it was the first rain in many a day, week or month, so we began calling ourselves The Rainmakers.

We spent the penultimate night in cool temperatures, camped under tall pine trees at 7,000 feet in Flagstaff, Arizona.

The trip nearly over we treated ourselves to a dinner out at a nearby steakhouse.

The next day we somehow lost each other for a worrisome hour.

The first misadventure of the trip.

However we reconnected and finally got to Phoenix.

It is July 7th.

We are exhausted and it's 103 degrees.

But just before sunset it began to rain and all the locals ran outside to stand elatedly in what they tell us is the first downpour in three months.

The Rainmakers have arrived.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Feeling a bit cocky now that she's finally finished her novel and is about to start on the publishing journey, SWMBO asked for permission to do a guest blog today.

So, without further ado, h-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-r-e-s Judy:


As the weather cools down and my sandals are less desirable I've started pulling socks out of the closet.

They are mostly black so they kind of all look alike --- except when they don't.

I'm trying to figure out what mental defective did the pairing of these various "pairs" last Spring when they were put away for cooler times.

It can't have been me.  I would have never paired a short one with a long one, a fat one with a thin one, etc.

But as I pull pair after pair out each morning I curse the idiot who made such a mess of things.

There are only two people in this house.

And my husband doesn't do socks!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Spotted on a car at the Watson Lake overlook:

Monday, October 14, 2019


To mark not so much Christopher Columbus, who never got to America anyway, but all of the Italians who came later and made the country their home . . . may I present a special exhibit at Saturday's Corvette Show.

An Indy car with the smiling face of Mario Andretti superimposed on it.

50 years ago, in April, I came to Indianapolis to a new job in a radio station.

A month later, at the end of May, Mario won the Indianapolis 500 race.

It was the first and last victory for him, his two sons, a nephew and a grandson at the famous auto race.

73 starts in all and no Andretti has ever won the race since Mario's victory in 1969.

No matter.  Mario is still one of the most popular race car drivers of all time.

Sunday, October 13, 2019


Prescott's downtown is closed to traffic this weekend.

Unless you drive a Corvette.

The Chevrolet sports car shows up in great numbers every year, as this participant's t-shirt showed.

I'm partial to what I think of as the original classic Corvette.

But there are 'Vettes of all years and all colors here.

The owners state their passions, too.

One patriotic Vet said he'd owned his 'Vette for more than half a century.

But, if you happen to have a pocketful of cash, you too could become a Corvette owner.

Check the price at the bottom.

The show continues today if you're in the area.

Saturday, October 12, 2019


After yesterday's frosty morning, today was absolutely beautiful.

A great day to spend at Watson Lake.

Enjoying the view . . .

Watching the ducks . . .

Maybe some fishing . . .

Exercising the dog . . .

Maybe some kayaking . . .

(quack-quack-quack!!! Who let that guy in here?)

Or if those relaxing pursuits aren't enough you could always hike one of the many trails in the area.

The trees will watch over you.

Friday, October 11, 2019


Just when you thought it was safe the Catalyst appears.

By the way, my choice of the term "Catalyst" for my on-line avatar had nothing to do with cats, believe it or not.

I just figured a catalyst was something that stirred things up, maybe caused some trouble

You know.

Oh, okay, let's get on with The Friday Funnies.

Are you laughing?

I'm laughing.

So that's it for this week, Gentle Readers.

Now, I want you to set a good example.

Take a deep breath.


Have yourself an excellent weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(. . . uh, on second thought . . .)

Thursday, October 10, 2019

ThrowBack Thursday

Me and my dad playing cribbage on the patio of the house where we lived in Central Phoenix in the 1970's.

It was winter - can't you see all that snow?

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Our neighbors' cat, Matty, came by for one of his regular visits yesterday.

I was busy with something and had my back turned.

When I glanced around this is what I saw.

Judy said this should be titled: 

"What are we having for dinner?"

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


I love the old line of a young music listener: "Y'mean Paul McCartney was in a group before Wings?"

It's called a Generation Gap.

A big one.

Oh, well, here's one from that other group.