Wednesday, June 7, 2023


That number in the title of this post does not mean I scored a 10 with my latest kitchen adventure.

It's more like a Beginner's Course Number.

So, brace yourselves.

That is supposed to be a Strawberry Cream Cheese Tart.

As I told Judy when she was viewing it, it's "Rustic".

I don't know if there is such a thing as a rustic tart but this version certainly would fit the description.

The good thing is I know and have had explained to me by the Master Chef of the household some of the mistakes I made.

I'll not bore you with the details.

And we haven't tasted "The Thing" yet and it could be delicious.

The cream cheese underlying the strawberries is flavored with sugar, lemon zest, lemon juice, vanilla and a pinch of salt.

So we'll see.

Meantime, I guess I should leave the fancier stuff to SWMBO, who can make even a salad plate of cucumbers and Kalamata olives look great.